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User22 01-11-2010 09:38 PM

Will Une Enfant Du Siecle be succesful?
Sorry but its about time for the album to come out and I want to know how successful people think it will be and why. And this applies to Worldwide sales. You can also say if it will be more popular in Mexico, France and so on...

wolfram0790 01-11-2010 09:51 PM

I truly hope it is, but in the end I feel it will depend on the promotion. And concerts that actually happen will be really important :)

I can't wait to buy the album!

lefty12357 01-11-2010 10:20 PM

I honestly don't know what the future will bring, nor do I know what this album will sound like, but I sure hope it will be very successful and that's the way I voted. There's so many unknowns. Will France embrace Alizée again? Will her success repeat itself in Mexico? Will her music take off in any other markets?

The quality of the album is important, but I agree that promotion will be a big part of it as well.

wasabi622 01-11-2010 10:47 PM

I honestly have no idea. I'm not too sure of what the music will be like, so I'm not sure how much I'll like it. By default, it is an Alizée album, so of course I'll like it. :p

But otherwise, I'll have to see when it comes out!

As for it being a success, that'll depend on the advertising I guess. I wasn't around for the release of any her previous albums, so I have nothing to compare to...

Människöpesten 01-11-2010 11:15 PM

It's been said before, every album she puts out has the potential to be fantastic, and they are in my eyes. But it does come down to advertisement and promotion for the public. For myself, I think it's going to be great.

Chuck 01-12-2010 12:19 AM

What do you mean "Successful"?
To me, there are a lot of different ways to judge "success". Like:

OVERALL SALES - The obvious one, and an important one. I feel confident it'll sell fairly well, but more than "Gourmandises"? Doubtful...

HITS - If there's a hit single (or two or three) that always helps broaden awareness and broaden the fan base. If there were a couple of singles on the album that made the charts, we'd suddenly see our membership quadruple. Sadly, I DON'T expect that to happen, but I can always be wrong.

CONCEPT COHERENCE - This is supposed to be a "concept album", which means all the songs should fit together, flow, and tell a tale of one sort or other. Will they? And, probably a big factor in reaching peoples' ears and wallets: will enough people even know about Edie Sedgwick, or want to find out more about her? I vote YES, it'll be a great concept album, but NO, enough music listeners do NOT have the first clue as to who Edie was.

INTEGRITY - Sometimes, an artist's integrity is part of the sale package. Sometimes they sell it off for cheap. (Sometimes I think Mylène was trying to sell off pieces of Alzée's integrity wholesale.) But from what I`ve seen so far (the title, the cd cover pic, the minivids on the EDS site), it's looking like she's putting her integrity first. Not pandering or compromising in the least. Which is great, in a way, but the title, the cover, and the vids seem so dark and strange that she might alienate or scare away too many potential converts.

QUALITY - IS THE MUSIC ANY GOOD?!?!?! On this I have no doubt whatsoever. It'll be awesome, and I'm going to love it. :D:D:D

Deepwaters 01-12-2010 12:57 AM

I think I'll wait to vote until I've heard the album. ;)

Topaz 01-12-2010 01:01 AM

By definition, an album is a "success" if the artist is happy with the outcome. If people like or love it, all the better. You have to be true to yourself, the rest may follow. :) There are many artists who do not sell millions and are considered successful. As it is with beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder.

au revoir pour le moment

pepelepew 01-12-2010 01:29 AM

Alizee always puts out a quality product. I know I will like it. The question is will it be commercially successful pleasing the masses? As already stated there are many versions of success. I'm also withholding my vote until the album comes out and I get to hear the finished product. I do have a good feeling about this album. :)

user472884 01-12-2010 03:20 AM

I'm not very savvy in how marketing and all that jazz works... but I know that it's Alizée and I'll support her. At first (being a hardcore Gourman-Lilly fan) I tried to pretend that Psychédélices didn't exist...

I listen to the Psych album more and more as time goes by.

With me, personally, Psychédélices was more successful (again, with me) musically in that in Psych there isn't one song I don't like or know the words to... contrary to Gourmandises and Mes Courants Électriques which each have their egg that I don't care for.

It depends on how this new album will sound. If it's very similar to Psych, I don't know. If it is faintly similar to Psych, I don't know. If it's totally new and revolutionary with a shock surpassing the original shock we experienced from Psych, I don't know.

Time will tell.

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