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Karin 10-08-2012 03:17 PM

[2012-10-26] DJ Set - Carrérouge Avignon
more infos soon (maybe)

Scruffydog777 10-08-2012 08:08 PM

Well this is awesome. Another DJ gig for Alizee? Is this part of Sony's plan to build up her popularity before the release of the new album? If it is, I think it's great strategy. Either way, it's great to see her getting out there and doing more.

Ray4AJ 10-08-2012 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 (Post 233319)
Well this is awesome. Another DJ gig for Alizee? Is this part of Sony's plan to build up her popularity before the release of the new album? If it is, I think it's great strategy. Either way, it's great to see her getting out there and doing more.

I think so too. I got the impression she had a good time at the Kes West event last month. So many photos came from the event showing her with fans and giving autographs. I was thrilled to see that there were so many fans in France when I'd let myself to think she had none there anymore.

User22 10-09-2012 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ray4AJ (Post 233321)
I think so too. I got the impression she had a good time at the Kes West event last month. So many photos came from the event showing her with fans and giving autographs. I was thrilled to see that there were so many fans in France when I'd let myself to think she had none there anymore.

Not all were fans of Aizée...nut hey when an awesome DJ shows up, you become a fan :D although there were some fans that came because it was her, not just cause they were going to a club like the majority of the people. She made many mew fans though!

Hopefully this new DJ Set becomes real :D

vivealizee 10-09-2012 10:05 AM

Everytime some celebrity or c-lebrity appears as an act in a club, the people want autographs, even though they ain't fans.
I guess if Alizée had just visited the club, not so many would have asked her for her autograph... don't want to talk bad about Alizée, but about how the people visiting those clubs work.
Someone from the forum gonna visit Alizée that vendredi?

Scruffydog777 10-09-2012 01:09 PM

I'm leaving for vacation next monday. I'll be flying back on the 25th from Amsterdam. I do have an unused ticket that's good for a Charles de Gaulle to Boston flight, but I'd have to lose two days of work to make that DJ gig. That's too much considering I'm thinking about going to Les Enfoires in january, if I can get past the thought of waiting out in the freezing cold for 4 hours to get a good seat and I hopefully will go to the autograph session in march.

On a somewhat related/unrelated matter. I had mentioned before that with my company being in bankruptcy,that it looked for a while that I might be hitting the street and with that losing my ability to pop over to France on different occassions as often as I have. But now it looks like I "may" have to relocate to a different city, but I will be keeping my job and my travel benefits.

Aldighieri 10-09-2012 02:12 PM

Job troubles? Consider to get some days in Italy. A dish of " patriotic fries" will never lack to you, here.:D Ok, being serious..pity I have no space in my home to host you, you'd be very welcome...;)

Scruffydog777 10-09-2012 05:39 PM

Thanks Aldigheri. My worst job fears are behind me at the moment. Losing my travel benefits would have been like ripping the soul out of my chest for me. Being able to see places that Alizee has performed such as Pistoia and Taormina meant a lot to me. Seeing Corsica was another joy. Then to meet her in person..............what can I say..............then to see her singing within 6 feet of me..............You can't put a price on close I could have reached out and touched her...............I'm sure it's something I still haven't come to really appreciate yet and to think I still may get to fulfill my dream of seeing her in concert..........well, you can understand what these travel benefits have meant to me.

Another reason they mean a lot to me is I've always been a big buff of ww2 and ww1 history. Because of Alizee, I started going over to Europe on my vacations to see her, but while there, I've been able to see so many sites that I've seen so many times on the history channel.......Normandy, Dunkirk, Bastogne, Dieppe, Verdun, the Somme, Malmedy, the bridge at Rhemagen ( at least where it used to be), fort Eban Email where Gernany launched it's war against western France, the u boat yards at St Nazaire and Lorient, the Atlantic wall, Solerno where my dad landed and so many other places that I would not have seen if it wasn't for Alizee.

On part of this trip I am going on, I will be back in the area of Malmedy. I just read a book on the massacre that took place there and I'd like to revisit it. Having been on tanks for 2 years in the army, I'm fascinated with those great German tanks that had such a fearsome reputation such as the Panther and especially the Tiger. There are only about 7 or 8 tiger tanks left in the world. I hope to see all of them. I've seen 3 in Europe so far and hope to see another one in the Battle of the bulge area on this trip. Next spring, I hope to see one outside of Moscow. So even if I have to relocate, I still will be able to pursue what means so much to me...................especially Alizee.

Jake04 10-10-2012 12:27 AM

I'm glad she has another DJ stint. Although I was really hoping for a bigger gig, like Jenifer (The Voice) and now Lorie (Dancing With The Stars). I remember the rumors a few months ago that she might get one of those. But, I guess they were indeed just that...rumors! :(

It's a shame because Alizee would have done great in either of those shows and that would have helped promote her album as well. :(

Scruffydog777 10-10-2012 11:10 AM

I get the feeling that it is Sony behind these dj gigs. That's one reason why I was glad to see it was Sony and not some offshoot of Sony, producing this album.

As far as her being chosen to be on a show like The Voice or DWTS; I think that was a very real possibility, up till about a year ago, but now, I think it's very unlikely, unless her new album does very well in France.

I looked up Avignon on Google earth. It's down south, about 40 miles northwest of Marseille. A hop, skip and a swim for her, well compared to us.

Here's a video from it.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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