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Ray4AJ 06-04-2016 07:35 PM

[2016-06-04]Mini Concert-Lille-Euro Foot Jeunes Charity Dinner
Alizée sung a few of her songs this evening at a charity dinner in Lille.... Moi...Lolita, Blonde, and Je veux bien.


Here she is with a former footballer, Ahoua Anderson.

Original image sources:

Ray4AJ 06-05-2016 06:45 PM

Event article at PurePeople by Julien Perret....


Alizée : Sublime pour l'Euro Foot Jeunes, la star donne de la voix !

La chanteuse est toujours présente pour soutenir notre jeunesse...

Samedi 4 juin, tandis que de nombreuses personnalités profitaient du soleil marocain à l'occasion du Marrakech du rire, Alizée était à Lille afin de soutenir la compétition Euro Foot Jeunes (organisée par l'Union Nationale du Sport Scolaire). Et, chose désormais rare, la petite amie de Grégoire Lyonnet a même poussé la chansonnette lors d'un dîner caritatif organisé à la mairie de Lille !

La jeune artiste de 31 ans, très engagée lorsqu'il s'agit d'oeuvrer pour l'épanouissement de la jeunesse (on se souvient de sa participation à l'émission Super Kids sur M6 et W9 il y a quelques semaines) a fait le déplacement pour mettre en lumière la compétition sportive. Aussi, sans son amoureux Grégoire, Alizée a tout de même attiré l'attention de l'assistance lors de son passage sur scène.

En effet, alors qu'elle ne cachait pas vouloir mettre momentanément la chanson entre parenthèses pour se consacrer à ses projets artistiques autour de la danse, la jolie maman d'Annily (11 ans) a surpris en chantant plusieurs de ses titres en live ! De Je veux bien à Blonde en passant par l'incontournable Moi... Lolita, Alizée a ravi les convives de l'événement.

Etaient également présents lors de ce dîner : L'athlète Murielle Hurtis et son compagnon Vincent Parisi, Pascal Gentil, l'animateur Safet Rastoder et ses enfants ainsi que M. le ministre de la jeunesse et des sports Patrick Kanner, visiblement ravi de prendre notamment la pose avec la chanteuse révélée en 2000 par Mylène Farmer.

Retrouvez Alizée mercredi 8 juin dès 21h sur M6 dans la finale du Meilleur pâtissier.

Julien Perret

Alizee: Sublime for Euro Youth Soccer, the star gives voice!

The singer is always there to support our youth ...

Saturday, June 4, while many celebrities taking advantage of the Moroccan sun at the Marrakech laughter, Alizee was in Lille to support the competition Euro Youth Soccer (organized by the National Union of School Sport). And now rare, girlfriend Grégoire Lyonnet has even pushed the song at a charity dinner organized for mayor of Lille!

The young artist of 31 years, very involved when it comes to work for the development of youth (remember his participation in the Super Kids broadcast on M6 and W9 last few weeks) made the trip to highlight the sporting competition. Also, without her lover Gregory, Alizee has still attracted the attention of the audience during his time on stage.

In fact, when she hid not want to momentarily put the song brackets to devote himself to his art projects around the dance, the pretty mom Annily (11 years) surprised singing many of his songs live ! Of Je veux bien to Blonde through the inevitable Moi ... Lolita, Alizée has delighted the guests of the event.

Also present at the dinner: Athlete Hurtis Murielle and her partner Vincent Parisi, Pascal Gentil, the leader Safet Rastoder and children as well as the Minister of Youth and Sports Patrick Kanner, clearly delighted to take including the pose with the singer revealed in 2000 by Mylène Farmer.

Find Alizee Wednesday, June 8 from 21h on M6 in the final of the Best Pastry

Translated by app

Rev 06-06-2016 12:49 AM

Thanks Ray.

She's really active right now. It's good to see. :)

Shepherd 06-06-2016 06:16 AM

It's good to see her singing, but gosh, what a ridiculous outfit. She needs a manager, but you're never going to see that.

Scruffydog777 06-06-2016 03:21 PM

You have to look at that skirt and wonder what was she thinking? It's totally out of place with the rest of the outfit. I also think she should've retired ML a long time ago. Her voice has changed over the years and I think when ever she sings it, it does her more harm than good.

Ray4AJ 06-06-2016 07:03 PM

Moi...Lolita short clip posted by Ske.

Also courtesy of Ske, info about the Zara skirt she wore.

Article today...


Alizée, look bucolique et rock'n'roll pour un retour sur scène à Lille

Alizée était ce samedi 4 juin 2016 au dîner caritatif pour l'Euro foot jeunes, à Lille. Un évènement où la chanteuse a fait mouche dans une tenue bucolique et rock, un mélange inspirant pour un look de printemps.

Alizée s'est dévoilée dans un look impeccable et résolument printanier. A Lille pour l'Euro foot jeunes, la jolie brune est arrivée pétillante et très en beauté. Dans une tenue qui mélangeait imprimé bucolique et détails rock, la chanteuse n'est pas passée inaperçue.
Alizée, pétillante dans une tenue printanière

Pour Alizée, pas question de se laisser aller aux tenues moroses malgré la grisaille. Ce week-end, la maman d'Annily prenait le taureau par les cornes et dégainait l'imprimé fleuri, meilleur remède en attendant l'été. Pour cela elle opte pour une jupe longue effet plissé rétro associée à un débardeur blanc basique. La belle joue la carte du style bohème saupoudré de bucolique. Mais pas que. La brune apporte du piquant à sa tenue avec un perfecto noir qui casse le côté sage et donne une note rock'n'roll à l'ensemble.

Pour le côté casual, ce sont les Stan Smith d'Adidas qui séduisent Alizée qui n'a pas peur de mélanger les styles. Rose aux joues, yeux de velours et sourire pétillant, la compagne de Grégoire Lyonnet était au top. Celle qui est une amatrice des défis - en témoigne son aventure dans "Le meilleur pâtissier" sur M6 - ne se contente pas d'afficher son sens du style, mais fait aussi le show lors de l'évènement.

Si la belle a maintes fois fait comprendre que tout ce qu'elle désirait c'était danser, cela ne l'empêche pas de temps à autre de pousser la chansonnette. C'est d'ailleurs précisément ce qu'a fait Alizée au dîner caritatif de l'Euro foot jeunes. Un retour sur scène inattendue, mais on le sait, pour celle qui est membre des Enfoirés depuis 2001, elle sera toujours de la partie quand c'est pour la bonne cause !
Le 06 Juin 2016 - 21h00


Alizee, bucolic and rock'n'roll look for a comeback in Lille

Alizee was this Saturday, June 4, 2016 the charity dinner for Euro football youth in Lille. An event where the singer has a hit in a bucolic outfit and rock, an inspiring mix for a spring look.

Alizee was unveiled in impeccable and resolutely spring look. In Lille for Euro youth football, the pretty brunette is very bubbly and finish in style. In a bucolic outfit that mixed rock and details printed, the singer has not gone unnoticed.
Alizee, sparkling in a spring outfit

To Alizee no question of letting go with outfits gloomy despite the gloom. This weekend, the mother of Annily took the bull by the horns and unsheathed the floral print, best remedy pending the summer. Why she opted for a retro long pleated skirt effect associated with a basic white tank top. The beautiful plays on the sprinkled Arty bucolic. But not only. Brown brings spice to her outfit with a black biker that breaks the wise side and gives a note to rock'n'roll all.

To the casual side, it is the Stan Smith Adidas that appeal Alizee who is not afraid to mix styles. Pink cheeks, velvet eyes sparkling smile, companion Grégoire Lyonnet was top. This is an amateur challenges - evidenced in his adventure in 'The Best Pastry' on M6 - not content to display their sense of style, but also makes the show at the event.

If the fine has repeatedly made clear that all she wanted was to dance, that does not stop from time to time to carry a tune. This is also precisely what the charity dinner Alizee Euro football youth. Unexpected return on stage, but we know, for the one member of the Enfoirés since 2001, it will always be of the party when it's for a good cause!
On June 6, 2016 - 21.00

Scruffydog777 06-06-2016 07:34 PM

At first I was going to say I'm not faulting her for wearing the skirt as much as not wearing a top and foot wear that went with it, but I do have to fault her for wearing that. Not only does it not go with what else she was wearing, it's a wrong fit for ML. I think it looks more like a granny dress. But maybe she wore it because she didn't want to sing or at least maybe didn't want to sing ML and if they insisted on her singing (it), it was going to be on her terms.

deligna 06-06-2016 08:22 PM

I cant figure out if she's smart or stupid, or a little bit of both. Then she comes up with this outfit, i read the posts here, and im even more confused.

Rev 06-07-2016 02:16 AM

She's definitely very smart, and very, very aware. However, smart and making the correct choices, do not always go hand in hand. :)

Scruffydog777 06-07-2016 03:10 AM

Well as with her last 4 albums where I thought she desperately needed a good manager, so too with occasions like this I think she needs a career manager. As far as appearances like this, they should put MCE and Gour behind her and insist if they want her to sing, it will be with some of the good songs from her more recent albums. The manager would also recommend what she should wear.

I really don't know have a clue as to whether this outfit was just a poor choice of things that didn't fit well with one another or maybe she was trying to send some type of message to the organizers of such events such as you can insist on what songs I sing, such as the sexual song ML, but you can't make me dress to fit the role.

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