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7d7 08-08-2006 04:05 PM

how do u guys sleep at night?
new member here. hy all. ive been watching Alizee videos on the web for bout a year now.found this sight the other day and decided to register.

well ill start by saying that this is the first time a girl has taken me like this.
its insane. i wake up in the morning and i watch a few videos of Alizee before going off to work then when i get home i watch a few more. well more like i watch them till i go to bed.:p i just cant believe this. this has never happend to me before.and the worst part is that i know its piontless.

i have deleted videos of her i had and also deleted my bookmarks to pages with videos of her in an atempt to just forget her but it hasnt worked.i cant stop thinking about her. its a real problem. i mean how can i ever have another girlfriend or get married knowing that this girl is out thier.all day ta work i think about her.all day at home i think about her.

well in conclusion i must ask, how do u guys sleep at night knowing this girl is out thier?

Shep 08-08-2006 04:21 PM

I'm a rather spiritual person and I use meditation and thought control to make sure I don't go through what many other men go through because of her.

What you're feeling, from your description, is called Limerence. Only way to get out of it is through willpower and determination.

RadioactiveMan 08-08-2006 04:24 PM

I always play her songs when I'm about to sleep. They play all night so that she's the first and last thing that I hear every day (except for that night that I woke up to Motley Crue, but that was because I forgot to put my PSP on group mode).

I don't consider it pointless. It's not like I have anything better to do.

Shep 08-08-2006 04:26 PM

I listen to her at night as well. I find her voice very soothing. I hope her new album is going to be great, looking for more songs to add to my "sleep" playlist.

7d7 08-08-2006 04:29 PM

heh i read the defintion of Limerence and jeez it makes it sound like i got a mental issue or somthing. although emidietly after reading it described as more of as a sphycoligical thing and not real feelings its allready calmed me some what.

i wonder if Alizee knows what she is doing to guys all over the world?
i also wonder what exactly it is about her thats doing it.

Shep 08-08-2006 04:34 PM

I believe it's her image of innocence. In today's society, we get pop stars and celebrities that are naked and having sex on stage, we aren't used to some one who is pretty clean in most aspects. She's not overtly sexual and is very reserved, something people aren't used to.

She's beautiful, talented, and a wonderful person. That's a 10 in my book.

And yeah, Limerence is a hard thing to get over, but the feeling one gets when you're free from it is very relaxing and well... freeing.

Just give it some time and try your best to not let her get to you and you'll be okay. Just avoid the saying "I love her". After a while you could end up believing it.

7d7 08-08-2006 04:55 PM

well after reading through the article about limerence on wikpidia it seems it is almost desribed as more of a condition and or problamatic.and also im almost positive this is what im experiencing.the articale also makes me sound like a sphyco or something.

well after reading this in more of a scientific text it has definetly put me at ease.

shep i think you cured me!!!!:(

Shep 08-08-2006 05:22 PM

well your welcome and I'm sorry.

But yeah, the limerence article has helped me at times as well. Luckily however, I found a moderation between liking Ali's music and enjoying her videos and obsessing. Fine line when it comes to her however, so be careful.

DJ_Greg 08-08-2006 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Shep
I listen to her at night as well. I find her voice very soothing. I hope her new album is going to be great, looking for more songs to add to my "sleep" playlist.

I agree. I listen to all kinds of stuff to sleep, but my Alizee mix has been the most recent.

vctralca 08-08-2006 05:25 PM

LOL, welcome to the club ;) , its not bad to think everyday about Alizée, i view some of her videos in the morning before going out and makes me feel great the entire day if there is a bad moment this is solved just by thinking about her, now if you think there is a real problem then go to the psychiatrist, but take care, Alizée can make his way into his mind too :D

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