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wasabi622 11-23-2009 11:44 PM

Only Alizee video that makes me feel.. well, sad. :(
I'm not entirely sure as to why, but this particular video has sort of a sad vibe to it. at least, to me anyways.

feels like a good bye to the old MCE Alizee.. which is obvious, but still!!

has a sad vibe to it. never would've thought that an video with Alizee in it would make me feel sad!! :(

the way she's singing JEAM now in comparison to when she did back then. it sort of seems to mark an end of the happy dancing around Alizee. (though of course, she is still adorable and happy!)

this version of JEAM just seems so much more "mellow" and mature.

i guess to me, its new Alizee saying bye to the old Alizee.. if it's even possible for someone to say bye to themself. :blink:

DAMN! im rambling. hope i've made at least a bit of sense.

what do ya'll think?

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Rev 11-24-2009 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 144966)
I'm not entirely sure as to why, but this particular video has sort of a sad vibe to it. at least, to me anyways.

feels like a good bye to the old MCE Alizee.. which is obvious, but still!!

has a sad vibe to it. never would've thought that an video with Alizee in it would make me feel sad!! :(

the way she's singing JEAM now in comparison to when she did back then. it sort of seems to mark an end of the happy dancing around Alizee. (though of course, she is still adorable and happy!)

this version of JEAM just seems so much more "mellow" and mature.

i guess to me, its new Alizee saying bye to the old Alizee.. if it's even possible for someone to say bye to themself. :blink:

DAMN! im rambling. hope i've made at least a bit of sense.

what do ya'll think?

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I agree that the song makes me sad, but for a different reason.

Change just for change sake is not always good, especially when the changed version is not nearly as good as the original.

I liked the old version, and the way she does it now almost sounds like she is trying to have a good laugh about the old version and her part in it.

My suggestion to her is - if you don't want to do the old song then don't do it. If you do choose to do it, then try to improve on it.

The version she presents here, in my opinion, is not an improvement.

wildfire 11-24-2009 02:16 AM

well, dude, thats the power of music: different people interpret it differently... some may recall an old love, another a happy time, while to some its just a tune. However that whole Acoustic performance seemed so subdued in a way that so un-Alizee.. especially the time previously that we had seen her.. jumping around in En Concert, double-jointed waves and all!

One person saw the A contre Courant song in En Concert as sad and they made me think the same way of the song after I re-interpreted it myself that way: I saw it where she was saying goodbye to her fans for the next four years, unbeknownst to her or her fans. She was down in the audience pit holding hand hands and so forth.. in hindsight now one can reinterpret. I think the same is going on for you. Now I take your interpretation and build on it with the fact that the music industry is struggling, Alize knows it and even has said that it concerns her.. and I see how thats even affected her business and profession. And how those MCE era videos were from a happier time before the recession and the recent pitfalls of the music industry...

I also interpret it as how there's "no going back".. kinda like a loss of innocence... Alizee is now a mom, married, changed forever, in so much of her words.. its kinda how I felt about Parler Tout Bas: I interpret it as Alizee saying goodbye to the Gourmandises days of her youth and becoming a young lady from a girl. Keep in mind I discovered all of Alizee's music this past summer.. so its all hindsight... even Psychadelicies.

We are so used to stars maintaining a continuity.. even the chameleon Madonna.. yeah her music styles change but its still madonna... that artist like Alizée seem like such an oddity... and by some a "failure" because there isn't this overly marketed and commercialized artist or overexposure. I let Psychadelicies grow on me partly because I've come to respect the artist and her conviction. I'll get her next album pretty much sight unseen... well as possible as that is with the availability in the states, because I'm willing to let this artist take me on this journey that she's on. Granted, I do miss the MCE and GM era, but much of that is due to Laurant and Mylene as architects, as much as it has to do with Alizée's raw talent and dedication. But thats the past now.. As much as I'd like to relive that, I'd hate to see Alizée go back to that just to sell some records. So maybe that helps your feelings Wasabi...

Just a point of how the music industry is hurting, check out this youtube channel:
look at the psychedelices playlist.. Omitting the songs that her her singles (MJ/50-60), people listen to the remainder cuts of the album almost 48,000 times on average. MJ/50-60 are almost at 100K views. The MJ video on this user's page is close to 350K views. Dunno how the youtube counter works, if it can distinguish multiple views from unique. Thae channel has over half a million views BTW.

My point is that to my knowledge, other than exposure, there is really no profit to the publisher or artist for this conduit, where previously it was radio or purchased album, i.e. means for them to profit. And this is from an unadvertised, unofficial online source. Its come to the point that there's a sense of entitlement to free music now.. from shitheads who think that because its out there, like an unlocked door or a wallet left unattended, that its now theirs. And yes, its the same thing: theft. In fact I know people who take pride in all of the ripped off intellectual property they have. Thats sad.

I just bought two Moby CD's sight unseen.. from a record store.. remember those? I support that artist because he too has taken me on journey's with his music that if I went by first listen only, I wouldn't have liked. I think thats whats been lost in the music industry where tastes are acquired and not strictly marketed to in pursuit of profit. I'd hate to think that I've cheated Moby out of his earned pay by stealing his music.. even if its just passive as listening to it via a user upload on youtube. I think there is a part of that in what you might be feeling as "goodbye" to an era of music sales that made it ownership tangible, i.e. a purchase, rather than what we have today, which is a glib, almost indifferent listening to streams on illegal conduits like Youtube.

user472884 11-24-2009 02:27 AM

wasabi, we should hang out some time

I agree with you completely

On the surface, the new version of JEAM is not a bad redo.. well, you already know how we feel about it.

I also feel this way about her new version of Moi Lolita where she throws in the extra "hey mr. dj" lyrics

Rev 11-24-2009 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 144984)
wasabi, we should hang out some time

I agree with you completely

On the surface, the new version of JEAM is not a bad redo.. well, you already know how we feel about it.

I also feel this way about her new version of Moi Lolita where she throws in the extra "hey mr. dj" lyrics

Actually, thinking about it a bit more, I'll clarify my prior comments. The vocals of the new JEAM are OK. It is the music that does not impress me (sets an odd tone). With different music, her new rendition could sound very good. :)

wildfire 11-24-2009 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rev (Post 144985)
Actually, thinking about it a bit more, I'll clarify my prior comments. The vocals of the new JEAM are OK. It is the music that does not impress me (sets an odd tone). With different music, her new rendition could sound very good. :)

In a silly way, I agree with you both... and disagree!! Yeah the music itself sounds "cheaper" than laurant's rich, syrupy instrumentation. I mean look at what Laruant did with JEAM in En Concert... Wow! I'm not too crazy about her electronica take since it looses the body and depth that Laruant's version have.. and that I see as lesser IMHO. However, this is Alizée's reinterpretation in a manner that fits her then current album. She's experimenting... not resting on her laurels. And like I said: I'm willing to go on her journey since she seems to do it in earnest.

By coincidence, I just looked up the review of Moby's latest album that I got, "wait for me". I found in the product description an excellent reinforcement of my original post, and perhaps a parallel to Alizée's mindset. Granted I believe one is Moby's epiphany and the other is a Coriscan independence streak, but the end result is the same:


"While listening to filmmaker David Lynch speak at the BAFTA Awards in February 2008, Moby had an epiphany. Lynch's message- creativity for its own sake is a beautiful, wonderful thing- was a simple one, but it hit Moby with the force of the Zen master's cane. "At that moment, I decided to just make records that were more personal," says Moby, "maybe more experimental, and a little more challenging, maybe not as easy to like, but things that I found to be artistically and creatively more satifying. That was the idea behind making the new album."
The album resulting from this epiphany, Wait For Me, is a radical departure from Moby's recent albums- last year's paean to the dance floor, Last Night, 2008's flirtation with modern rock, Hotel, the shimmering ambience of 2002's 18, and the zeitgeist-defining melancholy electronica of 1999's Play. Liberated from the pressures of trying to please himself at the same time as the industry, in making Wait For Me Moby decided to forego the expensive studios, state-of-the-art equipment, big name guest artists, and phalanxes of graphic designers and image consultants that have characterized some of his previous albums. "There's something so relaxing about doing everything yourself, and not trying to second-guess the market," Moby says. "It's nice to try to do things for the right reasons- just make a record because you want to make a record.""

wasabi622 11-24-2009 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by wildfire (Post 144982)
well, dude, thats the power of music: different people interpret it differently... some may recall an old love, another a happy time, while to some its just a tune. However that whole Acoustic performance seemed so subdued in a way that so un-Alizee.. especially the time previously that we had seen her.. jumping around in En Concert, double-jointed waves and all!

One person saw the A contre Courant song in En Concert as sad and they made me think the same way of the song after I re-interpreted it myself that way: I saw it where she was saying goodbye to her fans for the next four years, unbeknownst to her or her fans. She was down in the audience pit holding hand hands and so forth.. in hindsight now one can reinterpret. I think the same is going on for you. Now I take your interpretation and build on it with the fact that the music industry is struggling, Alize knows it and even has said that it concerns her.. and I see how thats even affected her business and profession. And how those MCE era videos were from a happier time before the recession and the recent pitfalls of the music industry...

I also interpret it as how there's "no going back".. kinda like a loss of innocence... Alizee is now a mom, married, changed forever, in so much of her words.. its kinda how I felt about Parler Tout Bas: I interpret it as Alizee saying goodbye to the Gourmandises days of her youth and becoming a young lady from a girl. Keep in mind I discovered all of Alizee's music this past summer.. so its all hindsight... even Psychadelicies.

We are so used to stars maintaining a continuity.. even the chameleon Madonna.. yeah her music styles change but its still madonna... that artist like Alizée seem like such an oddity... and by some a "failure" because there isn't this overly marketed and commercialized artist or overexposure. I let Psychadelicies grow on me partly because I've come to respect the artist and her conviction. I'll get her next album pretty much sight unseen... well as possible as that is with the availability in the states, because I'm willing to let this artist take me on this journey that she's on. Granted, I do miss the MCE and GM era, but much of that is due to Laurant and Mylene as architects, as much as it has to do with Alizée's raw talent and dedication. But thats the past now.. As much as I'd like to relive that, I'd hate to see Alizée go back to that just to sell some records. So maybe that helps your feelings Wasabi...

Just a point of how the music industry is hurting, check out this youtube channel:
look at the psychedelices playlist.. Omitting the songs that her her singles (MJ/50-60), people listen to the remainder cuts of the album almost 48,000 times on average. MJ/50-60 are almost at 100K views. The MJ video on this user's page is close to 350K views. Dunno how the youtube counter works, if it can distinguish multiple views from unique. Thae channel has over half a million views BTW.

My point is that to my knowledge, other than exposure, there is really no profit to the publisher or artist for this conduit, where previously it was radio or purchased album, i.e. means for them to profit. And this is from an unadvertised, unofficial online source. Its come to the point that there's a sense of entitlement to free music now.. from shitheads who think that because its out there, like an unlocked door or a wallet left unattended, that its now theirs. And yes, its the same thing: theft. In fact I know people who take pride in all of the ripped off intellectual property they have. Thats sad.

I just bought two Moby CD's sight unseen.. from a record store.. remember those? I support that artist because he too has taken me on journey's with his music that if I went by first listen only, I wouldn't have liked. I think thats whats been lost in the music industry where tastes are acquired and not strictly marketed to in pursuit of profit. I'd hate to think that I've cheated Moby out of his earned pay by stealing his music.. even if its just passive as listening to it via a user upload on youtube. I think there is a part of that in what you might be feeling as "goodbye" to an era of music sales that made it ownership tangible, i.e. a purchase, rather than what we have today, which is a glib, almost indifferent listening to streams on illegal conduits like Youtube.

yeah, don't get me wrong, change is needed and appreciated every once a while, but the way she's going about it.. i mean, how successful can anyone really be in changing who they are perceived to be?

i quite clearly understand why Alizee would like to leave the lolita image behind, but is it possible?

for example, despite being hundreds of films, Arnold Schwarzenegger will almost always be known as the terminator. even now, he's the "governator". Or take Sylvester Stallone, he'll always be known as either Rocky Balboa, or Rambo. Or Christopher Lloyd, almost always be known as Dr. Emmet Brown.

everyone has that image/character that really makes them successful. is it wise to throw that out?

but back to the video. i don't know if it's just the way the person edited it or not, juxtaposing Alizee singing the new version of JEAM with the footage of the old JEAM dance, but i really hope that she doesn't tone anything down for the sake of change!


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 144984)
wasabi, we should hang out some time

I agree with you completely

On the surface, the new version of JEAM is not a bad redo.. well, you already know how we feel about it.

I also feel this way about her new version of Moi Lolita where she throws in the extra "hey mr. dj" lyrics

heck yeah we should!! we need an Alizee America get together someday. :D

VVVACCPLPNLY 02-20-2010 10:40 PM

Let me just say that I love taking a bath while listening to this version! But it did take some growing. I love the MCE Alizée above all, mainly cause I am closes to that age Alizée. Yes, kind of sad to see this goodbye to her old self. Moi... Lolita acoustic struck me worse, though, as it is of course a song about being 15-16, and it was odd to see 23 Alizée sing about it. Not bad, wierd.

babyblue558 05-19-2010 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by wasabi622 (Post 144966)
I'm not entirely sure as to why, but this particular video has sort of a sad vibe to it. at least, to me anyways.

feels like a good bye to the old MCE Alizee.. which is obvious, but still!!

has a sad vibe to it. never would've thought that an video with Alizee in it would make me feel sad!! :(

Ahh I'm glad somebody else feels the same about this! Like most people, I discovered Alizée by watching a Gourmandises/MCE era youtube clip, and for a while I went along assuming that she was still the same present-day as she was back in those days. This video was the first non Mylène-era Alizée clip I saw, and it really hit home how much of a change she had been through (not only stylistically, but also in her appearance and performance style). I think it had such a great effect because it was one of the MCE songs she performed; a song I'd came to love over the past weeks, and it was so so wrong!

I guess it was inevitable that she would perform some of the Mylène-era stuff again, but I really wish she hadn't changed it so much. As Wasabi said, the new version of JEAM feels far more mature, with none of the girlish energy the original had. In the context of the Lolita-esque, girly style of the original, seeing a grown woman (even a goregeous Alizée!) perform it in a mature, more restrained style felt WRONG. And it made me sad.

But yah that was nearly two years ago and I've grown to accept it as a complete reimagining of the song and Alizée doing what she felt comfortable doing at the time. But even now when I watch this video I kinda wish she hadn't...

Människöpesten 05-20-2010 12:23 AM

idk, for someone that's a fan of UEDS and a HUGE fan of psych, i liked that version. it's different, but it doesn't exactly make me sad. it shocked me, that's for sure

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