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FanDeAliFee 07-20-2010 04:41 PM

Poll - 3D Alizée light variety show - how much would you pay?
Here are the details for a hypothetical, highly personal, potentially intercontinental remote show, which for most audience members is perhaps even more intimate than being at the actual show-place in the flesh.

(This outline is inspired by the discussion starting with the post here.)

How much would you pay to spend over 90 entertaining minutes with Alizée, knowing this slice of life would never be recorded and sold, much less pirated via file-sharing archives? Here's the deal:

You sit with 250 others in a comfy movie theater, wearing 3D glasses which give you a live front-row-center video feed of Alizée, wherever you sit. She can also hear and see the audience via a return video link. An instrumental medley of her songs is played during the seating period as an overture.

In the first hour of the show, Alizée entertains you with a light variety program, which includes some of the following:<blockquote> Alizée ALWAYS sings (or at least lip-syncs) at least
three songs, one of which is the most requested one the
audience selected from among her repertoire catalog when
they bought their tickets online. (Voting costs an extra dollar.)

> Alizée may do a dance or artistic athletic routine.

> Alizée may do a dramatic reading.

> Alizée may demonstrate her golf-putting skill (and even
chide a ringer who coughs as she takes her stroke!)

> Alizée may do a card trick.

> Alizée may recite a poem.

> Alizée may have the audience applaud to choose their favorite
Alizée hairstyle, illustrated with photos she flips.

> Alizée may tell a joke or funny story or even engage
in a whipped-cream pie-throwing contest with an assistant.

> Alizée may have the audience applaud to choose their favorite
Alizée dress fashion, illustrated with photos she flips.

> Alizée may play Pictionary, where she sketches something
and the first person to shout the right answer wins an album.

> Alizée may comment on a current popular TV series, movie, etc.

> Alizée may narrate a short slide show which depicts Paris or
Corsica or snapshots from her music videos or concerts, etc.

> Alizée may show her most recent favorite photo from among
those that her Dad shot, and explain why she likes it.

> Alizée may teach the audience how to count to ten in French
(She teaches Spanish for French audiences?)

> Alizée may conduct a sing-along of a popular or traditional
song which the audience surely knows and for which it also
gets lyrical subtitles.

> Alizée may play Lucas' Revenge!<blockquote> Alizée is blindfolded by an assistant.

The audience then votes by applause which one from
among about 5 to 10 food samples, each of equal weight,
is tossed into a blender along with a half cup of milk,
to be blended and then tasted. Alizée is given only one
guess, and if she guesses wrong, she is given a minor
comedic penalty, which may even make her nose scrunch!
These edibles can include:

Gummy bears
Big Mac
charcuterie (very Corsican)
fig jam (very Corsican)
brocciu (very Corsican)

If you put lemon or anchovies in her milk, don't be surprised
if later in the show, she tells you how sadistic you SOBs are!</blockquote></blockquote>After the main hour-long show, there is a half-hour break. From among the 250 people attending, a Lucky Ten are chosen to meet with Alizée by two-way videoconference. Seven are chosen by lottery, and three by cash auction.

The Lucky Ten will each enjoy a three-minute chat with Alizée. During the prior half-hour break, they can elect to pay retail plus shipping for items from the Alizée store which Alizée will personalize during their session and ship to the theater for pickup in a week (or to any other designated address for a larger shipping fee.)

If any of the Lucky Ten sings or plays an instrument, they can also perform an Alizée song for up to one minute during the last minute of the three minutes they get with Alizée, who might just listen politely or elect to sing along, as the whole audience listens in. (Their instrument is otherwise sequestered, to prevent it from hiding a recording device, or being sounded. Such logistical issues may rule out the use of instruments.)

Other polite conversation is also welcome during any of the three-minute sessions, to which all present can listen. Some of the main show items might provide suggestive hooks, and a translator will help those unskilled in French. For people who are shy or run out of things to say, they can start or continue a touch-screen game (e.g. checkers) with Alizée until their time runs out.

Each personal three-minute session is recorded and posted online for a year at a location to which the participant alone is given the address and download instructions. He can pay extra to get a DVD recording of it shipped to him.

After the ten three-minute sessions, Alizée again addresses the audience as a whole, offering an extended goodbye. Perhaps she even sings a song stanza. The program ends with the showing of all of her music videos (seven?) to date, in the warm company of her devoted fans.

This is just a whimsical outline. Your thoughtful criticism and suggestions are encouraged!

Marquis<3Alizée 07-20-2010 05:23 PM

Anything for Alizée, and it's once in a life time. I'd beg the heck out of my parents to get it for me.

Deepwaters 07-20-2010 05:29 PM

LOL another weird idea, Doc.

If she's going to do a 90-minute show all by herself, it should be a concert. If she's going to host a "variety" show, it should have other acts as well as herself, not silly stuff like you described. (Not that I think she has any interest in hosting a variety show, but I could be wrong about that.) I wouldn't pay anything for this mess as you've described it.

Tchaikovsky 07-20-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Deepwaters (Post 173500)
LOL another weird idea, Doc.

If she's going to do a 90-minute show all by herself, it should be a concert. If she's going to host a "variety" show, it should have other acts as well as herself, not silly stuff like you described. (Not that I think she has any interest in hosting a variety show, but I could be wrong about that.) I wouldn't pay anything for this mess as you've described it.

LOL j/k

Azhiri 07-20-2010 07:06 PM

That's high entertainment, so I'd be willing to paaaaay... $75. If it were more than that, or too far away from me, I wouldn't go. :p

AlizéeInspired 07-20-2010 08:09 PM

This seems like it could be pretty sweet depending on how it would be conducted and what she would do. Plus it would just be awesome to interact with her like that. So, hypothetically, 100 dollars here :D. I think it would quite an experience.

user472884 07-20-2010 08:12 PM

I wouldn't want her to do any of these things. She has better things to do, family to hang out with.

Deepwaters 07-20-2010 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 173543)
I wouldn't want her to do any of these things. She has better things to do, family to hang out with.

Well, the three songs are good. It's the rest of that stuff . . .

jung_adore_ALIZEE 07-21-2010 12:41 AM

What's wrong with a good ol' concert? Outside of her not having any that is.



ImRawdg 07-21-2010 12:51 AM

Yeah, people should be wishing for concerts. I figured that would be what everyone is sitting pretty for...

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