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Scruffydog777 12-30-2015 09:13 PM

Facebook monitor
There's been some controversy concerning posts on Facebook sites so since I'm out of work for the next several weeks, I will monitor these FB sites and see which one post pictures and videos that go beyond the sexy of those early years towards something more if not vulgar, then overly sexy. I will also monitor who likes these posts too in a private file.

There's one I saw today posted by Alizee jacotey fans club titled

Alizee-mini skirt upskirt nude oops-long version.

It's nothing we haven't seen before. Most of them as this one stem from the one performance of JPVA at the Hotel de Ville at the 100th running of the Tour de France. On this day there were members of some faction of the entertainment industry who were either on strike or at least protesting these performances that took place on that day. So some of these compromising videos may have been posted in a deliberate attempt to make her look bad or they might have been posted by just every day fans. I have no idea.

There's several FB sites out there and I'd like to know which ones let's say for now, go beyond the sexy image MF wanted portrayed in those early years and which ones try to portray nothing beyond that sexiness.

I also would like others to report anything that they think is out of line.

Scruffydog777 01-02-2016 11:36 PM

I was checking my FB page tonight when I saw a post by Alizée International Fan Club AIFC community page I believe, from 19 hours ago (11pm EST), which said,

"Alizee will be in "Les Enfories" ( if we believe this video posted 31/12/2015 by J.M.Morandini): a good new for you?".

But they posted below it a video. Now this video was one we've seen from years ago where Alizee and Nolwenn are being interviewed together. I clicked on it and it brought me to a never ending commercial.

I pursued it further and went to this guys website and I didn't really see anything regarding Les Enfoires, at least regarding 31/12/2015. So I'm baffled about what this is about. Is it a bunch of b.s.? I don't know, so for now, I will post it in the FB monitoring page.


Scruffydog777 01-05-2016 05:13 PM

Some good pictures posted by AIFC which I reposted on AlizeeAmerica's FB page.

Scruffydog777 01-09-2016 11:21 PM

I've been the main one keeping the Alizée America Face Book page up to date. I've mainly been posting pictures and videos and news trying to avoid controversy; keeping controversy in here after all, this is a forum. I posted a picture the other day. I had noticed there was some text with it, but from what I recognized of the French words, it didn't look controversial, but I failed to notice the "more" button that you have to click on to see all the text. Now after clicking on more and reading through a lot more text, I'm not even sure what it was about, but I don't really care. It goes against what I was trying to do in FB. I will try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Scruffydog777 01-15-2016 12:54 AM

I saw a post today in Alizée Offical Fans Group where a member apparently posted a still from a video he found on his now ex-girlfriends phone. He posted it to embarrass her, but why would you post it on an Alizée page? Do it on your own page.

Scruffydog777 01-16-2016 11:37 AM

AIFC posted today a list of distribution of Alizee fans. Now in the forum not too long ago it was brought up how this FB page apparently adds members to their list without their knowledge so I don't know how accurate these figures are but to me they seem high. One number they post is about 26,000 fans in the U.S. and I find that hard to believe, at least as far being active. This list doesn't really specify active or not. I have a feeling it includes a lot of fans who have since drifted away, but also a lot who would come out of the woodwork if she were to announce a new album.

Regardless, here are the numbers. I'm rounding off to save time. It falls under the category of (that 's if I'm doing this right) Socialbakers>Faecbook Stats > Pages >Alizee
Number of fans---------- 543,000
People talkiing about --- 7,830

This shows number of fans and percentage of her fan base.

Mexico -- 250,000 -- 45%
India ----- 57,000 -- 11
U.S. ------ 27,000 -- 5
France -- 26,000 --- 5
Turkey -- 23,000 --- 4
Other -- 163,000 -- 30

Shepherd 01-17-2016 01:10 AM

Although there is a population of 321 million in the USA and only 65 million in France, I find it difficult to believe that Alizee has more fans in the USA than in France. I don't know anyone in San Antonio or Chicago, other than myself, who even knows who she is. It would be nice if she had enough fans in the USA to draw her to the USA for a show or two. I don't see that happening.

Lucas 01-17-2016 05:32 AM


Scruffydog777 01-17-2016 02:22 PM

Lucas's chart is more believable, but that still seems like a high number for the U.S. and I wonder if they're counting past fans. Even India's numbers seem high. Maybe MerciAlizee can offer an opion.

I wonder what her French fan base consists of? Surely it must be dancing fans instead of fans of her singing and I would think that it would be mostly girls and young women who can identify with the way she devoted herself to dance and through hard work became a great dancer and though her family wasn't poor, they were far from rich. A lot of them too I'm sure can identify with the way she was shunned by her peers.

Scruffydog777 01-18-2016 08:44 PM

I see some more revealing pictures were posted by Alizée Jacotey fans club.

As usual it's from her performance of JPVA in the blue dress.

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