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Lizbel 04-05-2013 11:28 AM

Recherche correspondants/ Looking for penpals

I'm a 29 years old French woman who wants to improve her English and make it more natural, so I'm looking for penpals ! I'm a private French teacher, I teach French so I can (and will be happy to) correct your letter if you write me in French.

About me : I like Alizée since Moi...Lolita (I discovered her because I like Mylène Farmer). I'm pregnant (baby comes this month ! ) and I live in Tours, near the castles of Loire and Paris.
I like a lot of things, such as watching movies and series like Borgia (not the one with Jeremy Irons, the one by Tom Fontana), Homeland, Nowhere man (a old serie I didn't know)... I don't make you a list here :-).

Looking forward to hearing from you :-)

Scruffydog777 04-05-2013 12:02 PM

Hi Lizbel,

Congratulations on the new baby to be and I hope all goes well for you and your family.

My age is posted (sigh). It's pretty interesting to hear from you. There's been occasions where we've been in need of translation services. Luckily we do have at least a couple of members from France, not to mention some members in this country who speak it well who we've relied on in the past, but also very recently, but it would be great if we could add you to our list in case we have trouble getting in touch with them or in some cases it might be good to have a woman's point of view on a letter we might be putting together.

I've been to France several times now and it all started because of Alizee. I've been in your area twice. Once I stayed in Tours. I visited the Saumur tank museum among other things. I went back to that area to see one of the castles. I actually drove a car from Paris to the Loire river area, stopped at one of the castles then continued on St Nazaire where I wanted to see the U boat pens. It was the site of a famous raid during WW2. I'm a history buff. Mainly of WW1 and 2.

Now my English is atrocious, I even had to look up the spelling of that word (the word English that is..................jk). It was not my strong point in school. I was more a math and physics kind of guy, but what I really excelled at was recess. But feel free to write me and I'm sure there will be many others who will feel the same way. One member you might want to get in touch with is Chuck. He lives in this country, but has a very good knowledge of the French language.

I even put together a video from when I was driving in the Loire area.

When I went to Tours the first time, I was hopelessly lost looking for my hotel. I stopped at a brasserie to ask directions. Well the man and woman who ran it knew little English but I was able to show them the address. They pulled out a map and showed me it was way on the other side of the city and the streets of Tours are much like the streets of Boston, where I'm from. They're a mess, winding all over the place. There was no easy way for them to direct me to that hotel. So this gentleman jumped in his car and led me over there, then refused some money that I offered him. A very nice gesture on his part. He was an older gentleman and I got the feeling he did what he did because of what happened during the war.

Good luck!


Merci Alizée 04-06-2013 04:29 PM

Congratulations Lizbel! I was kinda surprised when you suddenly disappeared from this site and it's good that you're back.

I was just wondering if you're planning to stay here for a while. I'm not sure, but I guess it won't be easy for you be active on a forum.

I posted about postcrossing [s]few months back[/s] last year(I didn't realize that it has already been over a year). With postcrossing you can exchange postcards with people all over world.

I also want to improve my English (and definitely my French too). Since we don't speak English much, but read and write in this language only, we often face issues at different levels. Sometimes there are people who help me to find the answer and sometimes I think that I should ask it on AAm, but then I forget it later.

It would be great if members of this forum ask questions and clarifications about the language more regularly. It would really help us.

Chuck 04-06-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Merci Alizée (Post 240103)
Congratulations Lizbel!
It would be great if members of this forum ask questions and clarifications about the language more regularly. It would really help us.

Encore, félicitations, Lizbel! Je m'appelle Chuck (une forme anglais du prénom 'Charles') et j'aimerai beaucoup de vous aider, si vous pouvez m'aider! Je vous contacterai par MP, okay?

@ Monsieur M.A.> I agree, it would really help us if more of the language obstacles were dealt with more regularly. But this isn't a "regular" forum! Members come and then they go. Some are more interested in language(s), some are more interested in French music, one guy's interested in how "deep" our patron saint is; but most are mainly interested in just one thing: Alizée! How can we argue with that? :aha:

Merci Alizée 04-06-2013 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck (Post 240122)
@ Monsieur M.A.> I agree, it would really help us if more of the language obstacles were dealt with more regularly. But this isn't a "regular" forum! Members come and then they go. Some are more interested in language(s), some are more interested in French music, one guy's interested in how "deep" our patron saint is; but most are mainly interested in just one thing: Alizée! How can we argue with that? :aha:

:)) Too bad that you don't post more often. Little (?) Chucks keep you very busy, I guess. I forgot the mention that google is always there to help us. That's another reason why I don't post my question. I can always find answers in 2 minutes most of the time instead of waiting for someone to reply on the forum especially when I'm at work.

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