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lapinschous 04-24-2013 08:09 PM

Interview for "Nine Months" Magazine | Alizée talks about her pregnancy
I'll make a translation for you guys tomorrow (later today for america). :)

emotional stuff.

Euphoria 04-24-2013 09:14 PM

Looks like Annily actually spends a lot of time with Jeremy. Good to hear.

Fall 04-25-2013 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by lapinschous (Post 241337)
I'll make a translation for you guys tomorrow (later today for america). :)

Thanks dude, your translations are very much appreciated :)

texasguy 04-25-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 241340)
Looks like Annily actually spends a lot of time with Jeremy. Good to hear.

Yea but she's calling her maman 50 times a day when she's with him.


lapinschous 04-25-2013 09:01 AM

Boulevard Poissonière , Alizée is waiting for me sitting in a small parisian bistro. Just as cheerful as she was in the 2000's , the former teenage star has become a young 28 years old woman bustling with life. Being the mother of a 8 years old little girl , Alizée chose the magazine Neuf Mois to talk about her pregnancy and her life as mother.

You are the mother of the little Annily, you became pregnant when you were 20. Was this pregnancy a difficult experience?

No, not at all. I think that the younger you have children the less worried your are and the less questions you ask yourself . Little anecdote: one of my cousins who was 30 at the time, became pregnant at the same time as me and we lived our pregnancies in completely differents ways , even the childbirth.
When you're 30 you think more, you ask yourself way too much questions, while at 20 , it's not that you're reckless or unconcerned, but you live it day by day.

Did you pregnancy change your daily life?

I didn't change my life. Of course, I gained a lot of kilos but I never perceived my pregnancy as a handicap.

Any headaches ?

Well, I had trouble sleeping, frequent insomnias... And because I couldn't sleep, I ate at night. I think having experienced an almost perfect "pregnancy" since I was lucky enough never to feel sick.

Was there things you didn't like to hear during the nine months?

Since I gained 28 kilos , the thing you didn't want to tell me was that I'd never recover my body silhouette . So just to contradict them, the more people said that to me, the more I ate . The press hasn't been kind with me , magazines revealed photos where I appeared pretty fat. "Her... Lolita?"

When you're pregnant , it's perfectly normal to get a bit fat , one doesn't not gain 28 kilos just because of bad eating habits.

What was your reaction when you first saw the face of your child?

That's kinda funny, because it's the question that I asked myself the most during those nine months: "What would my daughter look like?" . I had the privilefe to catch a glimpse of her face for the first time during a 4D echography. This advanced technique was just starting to be developed at this time and you could see her little face very well , Annily had exactly the same at birth. When I saw her for the first time it was a really strange feeling . I felt that I had to enjoy every second of this moment ; there was so much joy, that I feared that someone would take this moment away.

Did you experience the "baby-blues" ?

Absolutely not.

How did you choose the name of your daughter?

The mother of her father died before her birth. Her name was Annie. With her father we made a promise that if the the baby was a girl, we'd pay tribute to her grandmother . That's how we came up with Annily .

How would you describe you mother-daughter relationship with Annily ?

My daughter and I have a really fusional relationship. When she's with her father in Paris, she calls me 50 times a day, just to tell me that she loves me and to know what I'm doing.

It's soon going to be her ninth birthday . How does it feel to see her grow up so fast?

It feels weird, really weird to tell myself that she's already 8 years old . I just realized it a little while ago when asking her what she'd like to have for her birthday . I thought that she would ask for all the toys on the face of the earth, but instead she asked for girly clothes... That's when I said to myself: " she's growing up for real.." .

You can maybe share more of your life with her now ?

Totally , I became pregnant very early and I think that after all, the more Annily grows up, the more we become friends and the more we share things. Because I'm still very young and that my daughter is growing up , I can have tête-à-tête dinner with her to have true mother-daughter conversations . It's really enjoyable.

Could Annily want to become a singer just as her mother?

I don't think so. She likes my job , but pursues other dreams. What's funny is that she's got totally different desires. She wants to become veterinarian and(or) stylist designer . All those books and games that allow kids to design clothes must be the reason why Annily is so interested in fashion.

Did you encounter major difficulties as a Mom ?

Yes, when I broke up with Annily's dad . It was really hard for me to make her understand that despite this separation , her father and me would still be there for her and that we would still love her just as much . It was the hardest thing I've been through as a mother.

After a long absence, you're finally back on stage. How do you manage combining your career requirements , the promotion of your new album and your responsibilities as a mother?

I believe that being a Mom is job way harder that being a singer. Since I live in Corse and because my daughter goes to school in Ajaccio , it was unthinkable for me to perturb her daily life because of my album promotion . It was a choice for me not to bring her along in Paris. It's critical that she keeps a normal rythm , that she goes to school like all the little girls of her age and that she sleeps well.

So you entrusted her to your family?

I didn't want my daughter to end up in the care of a nanny in Paris . In Ajaccio , it's my parents and grand mother who pick her up at school. They take care of her , that's why Annily is very well protected. As to me , when I'm in Paris I can focus on my promo and intensify my agenda on 4 or 5 days to come back see her as often as possible.

If you had an advice to give to mother and future mother .. ?

It would be to have children at a young age. Being pregnant while still young was something that I lived very well . Having children soon is something very common in my family . My grand ma gave birth to my mother when she was 17 and my mother had me when she was 22.

Other advice: mothers shouldn't simplify the way they talk to their children . I always talked to Annily as if she understood everything . When she was really young , I used to talk to her as an adult . There's nothing best than explaining things as they are. Children are often way more intelligent than adults to understand some kind of things.

Before leaving , what could we wish you?

That my daughter stays in good health . I've been the godmother of a little boy who recently passed away. He would have had the same age as Annily today. It was really hard for me to say goodbye to this little angel. When I look at my daughter I consider myself very lucky to know that she's alive and well.


Hope you enjoyed this interview ! :)

Euphoria 04-25-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by texasguy (Post 241349)
Yea but she's calling her maman 50 times a day when she's with him.


That's a girl thing. I'm 25 and I moved away from my hometown 3 weeks ago, and I still call my mom almost everyday.

Uroboros 04-25-2013 11:03 AM

That's a really nice interview, I never expected to learn so much about Zee's personal life! :o
Thanks for the translation Lap

lapinschous 04-25-2013 01:10 PM

No problem.

Don't call me lap please, lappy 's fine :p

Davedel 04-25-2013 01:13 PM

lapinschous, thanks for the great translation. I know it must take quite some time and effort to do things right. Your hard work is well appreciated. - Dave

Uroboros 04-25-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by lapinschous (Post 241396)
No problem.

Don't call me lap please, lappy 's fine :p

Sorry. Whatever you say, Lappy :p

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