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Scruffydog777 03-01-2014 03:43 PM

Moderator discussion
A little off topic here but one thing I think this latest "discussion" has pointed out is we need a new mod in here. Someone who is in here every day. I think what they could've done with the posts of the past few days is not delete the posts and not lock the thread, after all, it was just a discussion, though heated at times, but move them to the thread I had mentioned before. That way people who don't want to hear any more negative comments about her tattoos, wont have to listen to them and people who feel other wise can vent.

I suggested a while ago in the mods forum that a new mod be named even at the expense of taking my mod status away. They took away the title next to my name the last time I suggested this, but no new mod was named as far as I know. Though they took away my title, I still have access to the mods forum so I'm not sure what my actual status is.
, but like I said, I think we need a mod who is in here every day.

Marka 03-01-2014 06:59 PM

Ray should be the new mod!

Rev 03-02-2014 05:52 AM

There can be more than one. :)

ALS 03-02-2014 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Rev (Post 248299)
There can be more than one. :)

There's one? :p

It seems everytime they make someone a mod they seem to disapear off the board with in a few months. The pressure of the job monatoring this board must be life changing to say the least, NOT. :))

This has to be the most laid back easy going bunch of people I've ever dealt with. :)

Scruffydog777 03-02-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 248300)
There's one? :p

It seems everytime they make someone a mod they seem to disapear off the board with in a few months. The pressure of the job monatoring this board must be life changing to say the least, NOT. :))

This has to be the most laid back easy going bunch of people I've ever dealt with. :)

Well that's not always the case. When MerciAlizee was in school, he was in here every day. Now he's working and doesn't have the time. Aaronius was a young man with great values who did an awesome job, while he was in high school, but then he moved on to college and his life changed because of it so he has moved on though he does occasionally post. Azhiri did a great job too and also Brian, but people move on.

There are heated "discussions" (cough, cough), from time to time, but seldom any mud slinging like you see in other places and it would be good to keep it that way.

"Things" seldom happen now, but I think it be better to have someone here who can react to things right away instead of a few days later after things have escalated.

A new album will bring new fans and with that a need for a policing and cleaning up threads. That's if there is such a need because that's one good thing about this forum, we drift off subject all the time and not much is said, but for historical purposes, it is better if someone eventually puts posts in their proper thread so if someone wants to look back someday for some reason, it's much easier to find what you are looking for.

Merci Alizée 03-02-2014 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 248300)
There's one? :p

It seems everytime they make someone a mod they seem to disapear off the board with in a few months. The pressure of the job monatoring this board must be life changing to say the least, NOT. :))

This has to be the most laid back easy going bunch of people I've ever dealt with. :)

That's not the case. Azhiri contributed for long time and she did very good job. Lefty has been doing it for years and on consistent basis even though he not as active as some other members. Whatever be the reason for them to leave, we will always be grateful to them for their contributions.

I do visit forum everyday, but I have limited my time to reading posts and to activities other than moderation. This forum is now full of grown ups and at least now you expect them to behave in more mature way.

lefty12357 03-02-2014 12:56 PM

I wholeheartedly agree with MA. I would just like to add that in recent memory, this has been a relatively peaceful place. But this site has experienced some very difficult times in the past where members had severe battles that sometimes went on for days on end. Those were difficult times to be a mod. Hopefully those days are behind us, but it’s always possible for it to happen again. I wouldn’t assume that moderating this forum is always a walk in the park. Fortunately, in recent memory it has been a very well-behaved community. Regardless, people who become mods come and go. And that’s the way it probably should be. It’s nice to spread the burden out a bit and to inject some new enthusiasm from time to time.

This is not a forum about fishing, camping, cars, guns, golfing, etc. or any other activity. This is not a forum about things. It’s a forum about a person, and a person that many members hold in high regard. Somehow I think this ups the ante a bit. That’s not to say that forums about things and activities don’t have their battles, or that members of such forums are not passionate about their opinions. But I feel there is bit more of a heightened sense of responsibility to keep this and other forums like it from being offensive to the person to whom it is dedicated.

I would like to thank all the mods that have done a fine job taking care of this site. And I would like to thank the members of this community. You make this place what it is.

ALS 03-02-2014 01:02 PM

You guys take my sarcasm way too seriously. :p

Merci Alizée 03-02-2014 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 248307)
You guys take my sarcasm way too seriously. :p

Sarcasm detector hasn't failed yet, but still I chose to reply that way because I thought it was an opportunity to explain the current situation and thank those who have done work for this forum.

ALS 03-02-2014 01:52 PM

I only have one critisism of the mods on the board. Watching over the board is only one of your jobs. There should be more than the five or six members who are not mods that are putting up most of the new posts on Alizée. At least two of these members spend most of their time over at AF.

Posting in the Chat room isn't the same as putting up posts on the main board.

Fans who are lurking or are members that haven't logged in do not see the Chat room. I know it can be tough find things to post on Alizée just because she can be stingy with new material that fans want to see and talk about. Still try to comment here and there on different threads hopefully generating replies from others of the board.

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