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Junkmale 06-29-2009 07:41 PM

Why Mexico? Why Alizee?
I've been reading a few posts lately about what we, as a fan forum, and as individuals can do to raise the profile of Alizee especially in the USA. Or worldwide for those of us not in the USA.
It got me to thinking.
We all know that 'our girl' should be a worldwide megastar. But the fact is that she isn't.
Why then is she so popular in Mexico? What did she do in Mexico that she didn't do in e.g. Argentina or Brazil or anywhere else in South/Latin America?
Was she promoted in a different way? Was there something in particular that made Mexicans like an obscure French singer?
Was it simply 'La Isla Bonita'?
If that is true then why Alizee? Why not Lorie for example? Lorie has also 'played the Latin American card' with songs like 'Sur un air Latino' has she not? And there are a lot of similarities between what Lorie does and what Alizee does? So why did Mexico pick one over the other?
My point is that if we can pin down the reasons for her popularity in Mexico then the conditions for that popularity could, in theory, be replicated in the USA or anywhere else for that matter.
Any thoughts anyone?

Alex 06-29-2009 08:02 PM

Well each year I go to Mexico City, last summer I was very surprised how weeks and even few months later she had visited and left her CD and singles were still on the top 10 charts in stores! after being released a year ago or so. However I've been doing research on the web in how this success came upon, and it seems that Alizee hit everywhere, all media to be specific: newspapers, magazines, Tv stations, Radio Stations, Music Stores a true phenomenon. All this of the result of the fans, all the publicity they have done and kept on insisting radio stations to play her music and voting for her. And up to this date TV stations still do segments talking about her showing a year later she still famous.
Im also subscribed in the Alizee World fan club and each week and month more and more fans from South America are appearing( Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, CHile, Peru, and more!) The thing that really helped her success in Mexico was her carisma and way of being she is so true and not like any other fake POP star.
Here are some videos of some publicity they have done and TV segments tehy are doing of her:
TV Segments (Alizee imitation) (beutifulest nose)

Junkmale 06-29-2009 08:14 PM

This is what i can't understand Alex.
Did someone, somewhere, management, whatever make a concious decision to target Mexico for overdrive promotion?
If so, why Mexico?
As we know from this forum alone she has fans from all over the world. Was there a significant ammount of fan interest in Mexico to warrant that sort of promotion?
If i was a manager or promoter (and no offence intended to any of our Mexican members), 'cracking' the Mexican market wouldn't be top of the list of my priorities. USA, yes. Japan, yes. UK,yes. But Mexico..........

jung_adore_ALIZEE 06-29-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Junkmale (Post 133042)
Why not Lorie for example?

probably because she is already quite popular in France

Alex 06-29-2009 08:36 PM

Well let me tell you this the thing about Central Mexico is that they are more opened to listen to new music coming from around the world. So having heard her music more and more fans started to come out. No proffesional producer, or management was intended to work on her publicity in Mexico. She herself has said in interviews that she was surprised and had no idea how popular she was in Mexico and Latin America, so she decided to add Mexico as part of her tour.
The surprising thing is how fans alone made such accomplishment without the help of any proffesional management. This shows us that "Why not next the United States"

edgar93 06-29-2009 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Junkmale (Post 133042)
Why then is she so popular in Mexico? What did she do in Mexico that she didn't do in e.g. Argentina or Brazil or anywhere else in South/Latin America?
Was she promoted in a different way? Was there something in particular that made Mexicans like an obscure French singer?
Was it simply 'La Isla Bonita'?
If that is true then why Alizee? So why did Mexico pick one over the other?

Any thoughts anyone?

It's not about Alizée, Junkmale, it's about us, the mexican fans.
We the mexican guys are kind of different to other fans (or people, speaking generally), I think we are warmer and more open to new things. Our top songs lists are not always the same, there something from everything. I've been there in Mexico and here in Canada, and I can tell you, the difference is very noticeable.
Even Alizée has said it, we are different, (and I think she meant annoying :p).

But after all, we are not so different. We both like Alizée's music, we both are attracted by her sensuality and beauty, we both go crazy when we are at an Alizée concert.

JEAM and LIB just happened to be popular in Mexico, by being played in clubs or in the web. I don't think any of Lorie's songs ever had the same story.

Alex 06-29-2009 09:05 PM

yeah thats true she has alot of pros for as a proffesional singer, alot of qualities that other singers dont. And about Alizee thinking we are different I think she meant it like more obssesed and more fanatic than European fans, annoying seems too harsh and kind of emberassing XD. Yes its true that also helped alot about the clubs, there other fans came up like teenagers and adults.

Ben 06-29-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by edgar93 (Post 133050)
It's not about Alizée, Junkmale, it's about us, the mexican fans.

Yeah. Though I think it's thanks to your media as well. That they were willing to listen to fan demand and play her stuff. Here it could be harder.

There's the language barrier (Mexico, and most countries for that matter, are more used to songs in another language - English!), stricter copyright laws and other legal issues (stations may not have the rights, or be unwilling to check if they do), and the media just being more closed-minded in general.

But yes, Alizée and her team followed her popularity to Mexico, they didn't create it. So likewise it will be up to us, not them, if we want to attempt the same thing here. She may help once the ball's rolling, but we'll have to start it.

Alex 06-29-2009 09:28 PM

yes it will be up to us, to complete this mission. But we have to plan this well Ben and be determined and persistant. We have do step by step, focus on primary targets such as radio stations until our voice and demand is heard. But if we can get one media to give us the chance we can take it from there, others in this fans must send out attractive flyers to get to know Alizee. It will be challenging but I am sure we can do it. I mean come on there are second class foreign artists that come to LA Las Vegas New York and have concerts with some fans, so why not us being more can do such accomplishment.

edgar93 06-29-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ben (Post 133052)

stricter copyright laws and other legal issues (stations may not have the rights, or be unwilling to check if they do), and the media just being more closed-minded in general.
So likewise it will be up to us, not them, if we want to attempt the same thing here. She may help once the ball's rolling, but we'll have to start it.

I think that's a very important point Ben, wether the media of a whole nation is open minded or not.
Personally I think it's almost impossible to change a nation/country's mind. :/
I'm not saying we can't try.

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