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FanDeAliFee 04-20-2011 10:00 AM

Alizée America looks in the mirror
<big><big>I thought it might give us some perspective on ourselves if I were to collect sample forum postings, at intervals of (about) 10,000 postings, starting from the earliest days of the Web site. What constructive advice can you offer people who post in the forums?

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User22 04-20-2011 01:31 PM

wait can you re-word the point of this please? And I'm not being sarcastic...I just don't understand and it seems interesting...

rcs 04-20-2011 08:19 PM

Just curious Fan, why did you start with the 33rd post? Are you a Freemason? How suspicious? :blink:

Here's an earlier thread.

user472884 04-20-2011 09:56 PM

I feel all fuzzy and warm inside that I got quads, and zeroes nonetheless

Karlalizee 04-20-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 202650)
I feel all fuzzy and warm inside that I got quads, and zeroes nonetheless

Because you ARE a quad with zeros! :eek::p;)

woohoo 04-20-2011 11:27 PM

Wow great work getting all these posts , I like 13001

FanDeAliFee 04-21-2011 01:07 AM

Your responses to our look in the mirror

Originally Posted by woohoo (Post 202656)
Wow great work getting all these posts , I like 1300[0]1

The reason I used 130001 instead of 130000 is that the latter is MISSING.


Originally Posted by rcs (Post 202646)
Just curious Fan, why did you start with the 33rd post? Are you a Freemason? How suspicious? :blink:

Here's an earlier thread.

Thank you. The first few posts were missing. I was too lazy to do a thorough seach for the first one available, and so settled on an early non-missing post after poking around with successive midpoint searches. Your implicitly cited post is better (earlier), and is used in my revised post. :)


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 202650)
I feel all fuzzy and warm inside that I got quads, and zeroes nonetheless

I am an old man and too lazy to search Wikipedia, Wiktionary or whatever for what this Insider Kiddie Lingo means. Will you or KLo take pity on me?


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 (Post 202636)
wait can you re-word the point of this please? And I'm not being sarcastic...I just don't understand and it seems interesting...

People and institutions benefit by "grading their own papers" from time to time. Usually when one looks at forum postings, it is because one is interested in the material discussed, rather than the way it is said, or the utility of the post to the aspirations of the Web site supporters. By picking out posts at "random" (using a constant-stride post-number displacement), I hope to focus on thinking about how we can improve what we do here.

Let me go first. When I look at the posts sampled, too many are short and highly parochial, being meaningless out of context, with little enduring value. Perhaps things are not as bad as I imagine, if the "crummy" posts come from an "off-topic" section.

I offer this as evidence that an official "Best of Alizée America" thread (call it a "newsletter" if you like) would have value. The 200,000+ posts in five years averages over 100 posts per day - how many people have time to wade through all of that looking for the "good" stuff? It might even help promote civility if everyone knew that many or most people who visit AAm just read the "Best of" thread, and being an asshole when posting simply assures you won't be read in it.

user472884 04-21-2011 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by FanDeAliFee (Post 202660)
I am an old man and too lazy to search Wikipedia, Wiktionary or whatever for what this Insider Kiddie Lingo means. Will you or KLo take pity on me?

Recently I've been becoming more and more absorbed with internet culture and in that, I've become a regular visitor/poster in 4chan in a few of the boards on that site. One of the boards on the site, /b/, where you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, is notorious for having literally no rules of what goes on (other than no child pornography, which unfortunately isn't closely regulated). Aside from the horrors of /b/, it's an entire legitimate culture strewn with lingo, code, inside jokes, trolling, etc.

One of the "family traditions" if you will is getting "dubs/doubles", "trips/triples", "quads", "quints", and so on. This is possible because as you've taken the effort to find which post throughout the entire forum was say, post #180,000, the post number is visible on every post.

(pardon the subject matter, but merely observe the post numbering system)

An enjoyable feat is correctly predicting whether your post number will end in doubles (00,11,22, so on), by posting a humorous picture (or some variant) of an image pointing to the post number.


So, "getting" doubles is a moderately amusing achievement. However, it's not very difficult. Excuse my late-night maff skills, but methinks the chances of getting dubs is about one in ten.

Therefore, it is more impressive to get trips, which as you've guessed is three of the same number at the end of the post number.

Even more so, quads. Quads are much more rare, and often threads are spawned where people mindlessly "play" to get quads and "win" the game.

Currently, the popular subject of quads games are the tax master.

Quints are similar to quads in that the goal is to kill/slay the tax master, but because of the even greater difficulty of getting quads, the image posted by the original poster is usually more humorous and extreme (I can't find it, but at one point there was a fire-breathing, three-headed, flying tax master)

Sextuples are so rare people don't even have a game or shortened name for it.

Recently, someone got something like 8 or 9 2's in a row. It was quite the shit storm, I can assure you, as I was there trying to get the octuples (or whatever it was)

So as you can see, my mentioning of obtaining quads pleasing me was an inside joke to primarily myself and anyone else who may have understood. Quads aren't better or worse in regards to the number, I just happen to like the way zeroes look.

Sorry for my pretty brief explanation, I wouldn't be surprised if you still don't understand.

I'm not necessarily advocating you corrupt your mind, but it may be an interesting experience to visit 4chan (specifically, /b/ (a.k.a. random)) and just enjoy the hilarity of it all. Word of advise: don't ever click on a link, don't ever do anything they say, don't ever download anything, and generally don't antagonize /b/. I'll leave it to you and a few google searches to discover the collective power of /b/ and the entire anon community.

Iwillmeether 04-21-2011 06:50 AM

They call me 190,000.

FanDeAliFee 04-21-2011 07:07 AM

No honey enemas for me, thanks

Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 202661)
Sorry for my pretty brief explanation, I wouldn't be surprised if you still don't understand.

No, I sa-veed right away; thanks.


Originally Posted by Jalen (Post 202661)
Recently I've been becoming more and more absorbed with internet culture and in that, I've become a regular visitor/poster in 4chan in a few of the boards on that site. One of the boards on the site, /b/, where you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy... I'm not necessarily advocating you corrupt your mind, but it may be an interesting experience to visit...

I'd be too afraid to visit, because Pedobear was born there. I might land up becoming obsessed with honey enemas or something. Yuck.

I think it is a pity that someone with your intelligence and imagination has no more appealing place to visit online to expand your mind. Perhaps you could write a play peopled by the members of Alizée America - just change our names (but not TOO much!) so we don't beat you up when we read it, LOL!

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