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C-4 12-19-2014 05:52 AM

Happy holidays to you all
I want to thank you all for your hard work, and helping me keep up with all things Alizée.

May you all enjoy a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in whatever form that takes for you personally.

And may this year bring us all great news and much success for not only us, but also for Alizée, Annily, Gregoire and their families.


Fall 12-19-2014 10:19 PM

Happy holidays everybody!!! :D
Thanks for keeping AAm my go-to site for all things Alizée :)

ALS 12-20-2014 10:07 AM

Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you guys and gals.

Scruffydog777 12-20-2014 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by ALS (Post 252522)
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you guys and gals.

The same wishes from me plus happy holiday to any other religous group I mght have missed. I'm on vacation in Switzerland and I got my Christmas present early by being able to see Alizee twice on tv on this trip; once with Garou and the other was the Disney special. What an unexpected pleasure it was. Then I got to see those videos ALS posted last night. Overload at a time I didn't expect it.

Merci Alizée 12-21-2014 09:54 PM

Merry Christmas!

lefty12357 12-22-2014 07:27 PM

Happy Holidays to all !!!

Lucas 12-23-2014 04:06 PM

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

DannyMac524 12-23-2014 07:16 PM

Best wishes to all for a happy holiday and a very happy and prosperous new year. Joyeux Nöel et Bonne Année pour Alizée et sa famille et copain.

lefty12357 12-23-2014 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 252557)
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Lucas, please tell Karin that I wish her a Merry Christmas, and of course I wish the same for you too!

Scruffydog777 12-23-2014 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by lefty12357 (Post 252560)
Lucas, please tell Karin that I wish her a Merry Christmas, and of course I wish the same for you too!

Please tell Karin she is missed!

I hope this isn't the wrong thread for expressing some of these sentiments here, but to be perfectly honest, I thought this would be a depressing time of year as far as Alizee is concerned. Her album failed. Her tour was cancelled and outside of the DALS tour and another appearance with Disney, I didn't see a whole lot to look forward to in the near future.

I'll also express another sentiment on my just completed vacation to Europe. About 7 years ago when I first found out about her, I first started taking my vacations in Europe and with each one, I had hoped to see or hear some of her music on the French media and except for very rare occasions like a rebroadcast of a Les Enfoires show or DALS last year, I very seldom got to see her or her.

So on my recent trip, I thought how incredibly depressing it would be to live in Europe, because I see all the time on many shows, these other singers she works with and all these show hosts she works with, but I rarely see her and to go through that on a daily basis would be painful actually, then lo an behold, while channel surfing one night, while having those depressing thoughts,I see her on a show with Garou; then the next night, I see her hosting the Disney show; then a couple of nights later I see her on a rebroadcast of a Disney show. It was really amazing to me. It was a great Christmas gift from whoever and it added so much pleasure to my trip.

Now we have her appearances in the DALS tour and we see other shows that were filmed earlier in the year coming into fruition now and it's just been an incredible month for her in my opinion, but maybe more so for me. She's getting a lot of air time this month which will hopefully lead to more things next year.

Now I know we're not supposed to mention religion in this forum, but this thread is about Christmas, so what the heck. As usual when I'm on vacation, I always stop in at local chruches. I made a day trip to Mt Blanc and the local town of Chamoix. I stopped in a church there and I prayed that her relationship with Gregoire would be a long and happy one!

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