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Scruffydog777 11-25-2015 09:50 AM

Soirée Corse
+Apparently there will be a "Corsica" night in Paris at Les Feux de la Rampe (Limelight) theatre on December 8th to raise money for the Marie-Do association. I would have to think Alizée will be there if she doesn't have any other commitments. It is sponsored by Marie-Claude Pietragalla, who was one of the judges when Alizée won DALS.

Ray4AJ 11-25-2015 11:18 AM

My guess is that Alizee won't participate in the event. I'd be surprised if she attended at all.

I found this info...



L’île de beauté s’exporte à Paris le temps d’une soirée.

Le 8 décembre 2015, à l’occasion de la Festa di a Nazione, le théâtre rassemble les talents corses avec un plateau d’artistes humoristes (Tano, Coco and co…) et musiciens corses (Soledonna, I Mantini, JP Gambini…), la projection en avant-première des épisodes d’une toute nouvelle série (Ralph et Max), une exposition photo et la dégustation de produits régionaux.

Une soirée caritative mettant la femme corse à l’honneur au profit de l’association de lutte contre le cancer : La Marie Do.

Marie Claude Pietragalla sera notre marraine de cœur pour la soirée.

Venez conjuguer plaisir et bonne action en participant à cet événement unique.

Il y aura de superbes lots à gagner à l’occasion de la Tombola au profit de l’association La Marie Do:
– Une croisière pour 6 personnes sur un yacht de luxe sur la Seine,
– Un bon de 150€ pour un passage sur la Corsica Ferries,
– Des coffrets cosmétiques,
– Un coffret Faber-Castell,
– Des paniers garnis de produits corses…

Scruffydog777 11-25-2015 01:44 PM

I thought it might be a lot less likely for her to go, if she had to pay for her airfare, but I looked it up and it's only about $320.00 round trip....not bad. I wonder if Marie-Claude Pietragalla might call in a favor. I guess it all depends on who else might be there. Maybe Jenifer or Patrick Fiori or Nathalie Lafranchi, Pierre Antoine (I finally remembered his name and didn't have to call him Dancerman 1)? It seems to be a small theater so it wouldn't take much star power to fill it up, but bringing in someone like Alizée could bring in some bigger fish if you know what I mean.

Looking at their web page it looks like all they have so far for entertainment is comedians and musicians.

EDIT: I just looked at the seating capacity and it's only 300. That's tiny compared to many of the other theaters in Paris. So it might be a waste of time to have someone like Alizée to go that far. I still wonder if any of the other names I mentioned might show up if they're in the Paris area.

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