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ALS 01-03-2017 09:34 AM

Women no longer welcome in parts of Paris

Scruffydog777 01-04-2017 01:01 AM

It's a shame what's happening in France and Germany and other European countries due to their lax immigration policies. These countries should make immigrants adhere to their own customs and policies, but it's obvious, it's the other way around and because of it, women and kid's safety is compromised. What's going on will have a big effect during upcoming elections, but the damage has already been done and Europeans will be paying a heavy price for many years to come. At least the British showed some back bone in going against what's going on in mainland Europe, stopping a flood of people amassing in Calais in an attempt to get across the channel to take advantage of their good will.

In this country, there's a new sheriff in town who will help stop this process before it gets as bad as it did overseas and hopefully may even be able to reverse it.

Shepherd 01-04-2017 02:17 PM

Als video is a sad and frightening thing. Attitudes similar to those of Islam towards women were once common in Western countries, but we have worked our way out of those degrading and restrictive times. Are we now to go backwards? When Westerners go to Islamic countries, they usually try not to offend the sensitivities of those countries and peoples, why can't this courtesy work in reverse? The problem is that the abuse of women in Islam is not simply a custom that can be put aside for the sake of courtesy, it is founded in religion, so compromise is not tolerated. Now the question is, how much of this are we going to put up with in our own countries? Islamic people are moving west to escape the horrible life created by the narrow minded religious beliefs of Islam. Instead of leaving those restrictive, punitive, and self-defeating styles of thought behind, they are forcing them onto their new environments.

Ajaccio 01-04-2017 04:19 PM

Make France great again
French presidential elections will be held in April and May this year. And it's great to hear that Marine Le Pen, the leader of FN, will have a chance of winning the presidency. It would be a great victory for the French people, since for the first time in many years they would have a anti-globalist president, who would be critical towards Islam. Unfortunately, I don't believe she's going to win it - she'll win the first round, but most likely lose against Fillion in the second one. Luckily, albeit being a cuckservative, he's still somewhat critical of Islam, so I hope France is heading into a better future.
Nevertheless, I'm hoping for a Trump-tier upset. I was involved in an unofficial campaign, trying to promote her on social media, but unfortunately the movement seems to have lost some steam recently.

Shepherd 01-05-2017 04:44 PM

Imagine forcing Alizee to wear a burka.

CleverCowboy 12-01-2017 07:35 AM

Have the French lost their survival instincts? This is not immigration, but an INVASION. The French birth rate is negative growth, along with many other Western nation. The immigrants (I mean invaders) have a very high birth rate. Don't think for a moment that they appreciate the monumental contribution to the arts that the French has given the world. They have no intention of assimilating into the French culture. It's a sad shame.

This beautiful nation, language, and culture is at severe risk. If it weren't for Britain and the U.S., Lili would be singing her songs in German (no offense meant to my German friends, but history is history). There might not be anybody there for them this time around.

Scruffydog777 12-03-2017 04:56 AM

Yes this is a whole new type of invasion and I believe a well planned one at that. I'm sure much of France doesn't even realize what is going on and even if it suddenly dawned on them, I'm sure it's too late to do anything about it. They didn't even have a choice in this matter and they took in hundreds of thousands of refugees, many from the Middle East, while many rich countries in the Middle East took in none.

I do think this is what the leaders of the European Union want though. One of the reasons for creating the European Union was in the hope it would stop wars from happeniing. One thing that led to WW2 was great depression in our country that led to the econmic collapse in Germany which led to the rise of Hitler. The E.U. feels if everyone is on the same currency there's less chance for a repeat of that. But slowly the E.U. is becoming a very powerfult entity. They threatened other countries with sanctions if they didn't allow in refugees, but luckily for them, so far they've resisted. It could just be a matter time before this financial pressure takes a toll on them and they too will allow in hordes of refugees that will ruin their cultures.

Like I said, I beleive the E.U. wants what is going on in France and Germany and other countiries . The more you divide the people of those countries, though you may have more turmoil within those countrries, you are less like to have wars between those countries. They don't care about the rapes or the molestations. They just want to make sure they maintain control.

I think what is happening in France and Germany could've very well happened in this country if we didn't have the leadership change at the top that we did. Obama was all in favor of letting more refugees in and if Hillary was elected she would've owed him some favors for endorsing her and that revolving door would've kept spinning.

I think this topic can very easily go off in directions we don't want it to in here and though there's a lot more I'd like to say, I think I'll call it quits for now. However if anyone wants to take it to the next level, I often discuss this on my FB page which is undere my real name and I usually don't pull any punches there.

CleverCowboy 01-02-2018 09:52 AM

New years eve celebration in Paris: 1000+ cars burned, female police officer kicked to the ground while the crowd cheers, a No Go zone app for the city released so you don't get killed visiting.

Can't wait to see what 2018 brings.

Scruffydog777 01-02-2018 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy (Post 259782)
New years eve celebration in Paris: 1000+ cars burned, female police officer kicked to the ground while the crowd cheers, a No Go zone app for the city released so you don't get killed visiting.

Can't wait to see what 2018 brings.

And what about those poor tourists who don't know about the No Go zone app or aren't internet savvy. I believe to use an app like that, you have to have a smart phone and there are still plenty of people out there who still don't have them and others whose phones wont connect there. Oh well!

Scruffydog777 01-02-2018 07:57 PM

A female police officer responding to a loud party call on New Years eve, in the south eastern part of Paris was attacked and repeatedly kicked in the head. She is lucky to be alive. If a police officer isn't safe in Paris, what does that say about the safety of female citizens and tourists?

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