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Old 06-03-2008, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by tbailey View Post
i think this is a really good point
but even if Alizee is trying to exemplify who she is now i think one's most informative and influential years are in their youth

i don't know how much a person can change from who they were at an early age since at that point one is most easily shaped as a person

but then again who's to say that Alizee was "Lolita" in her teens after all it was just an image

but i don't really buy into the whole maturity thing too much - yes of course we change as we get older but i think people put too much emphasis on "maturation"

i know a lot of adults that are extremely immature unfortunately
and i can be immature sometimes too - i'm sure some of one would certainly agree with that
Well, I sort of agree with the maturity thing. I've learned things and changed over the years, but could I say I've matured since I was about 16? Maybe not. Maybe just learned things and changed. I think some of it is "maturing" - finding a different way of being that is the inevitable result of a fuller understanding of life due to experience or just the settling of a position due to such experience. That's not really always a good thing though. Maturity might also mean becoming set in one's ways. That can be good, but not always.

As for Alizée acting differently because it's more appropriate for her age or something, well, maybe she thinks it is, but compared to other people, maybe not.

Merci Fanny
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