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Old 06-09-2008, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Ruroshen View Post
I think the issue here is that Alizee's trying to balance expressing who she is as an artist now, four years after MCE, with managing her fans' expectations. I suspect her strategy isn't clear because the way through isn't entirely clear to her either. She may have had a vision for how she wanted things to go, but as the saying goes, no good plan survives contact with the enemy...or the rabid JEAM fan.

Much. Actually, I think it's not so much finding a medium between the two, as finding a way the handhold her audience through the transition from one to the other. Lili's clearly not the same person she was during the MCE era--How could she be? The years she's been absent are probably the most formative of most young adults' lives!--but her fans weren't along for the ride that brought her from there to naturally there's some culture shock setting in.

All that being said, I think she should be given major kudos for daring to try things like the remix video. It could have been really easy for Lili to just slip back into that sailor suit and act like nothing had changed. But wouldn't that have been a little...I dunno...cheesy? Dishonest, even? Personally, I'm glad to see her taking the harder road. She has my respect for it.

But then, I only have eleven posts to my name, so what do I know?

Wisdom comes in quality of mind, not quantity of speech. You've gained my understanding as a reasonable and intellectual being, I hope to spot more of your opinions in the future!
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