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Old 06-10-2008, 10:39 PM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
Faded into Gray
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Originally Posted by Rachelizee View Post
Okay , I've only just had time to watch these performances and as with most of you guys I was very impressed.I particularly loved Psychedelices.

However I've just got one question.I'm not a musician at all and I was wondering what actually defines something as 'acoustic'.I always thought it was the absence of electronic equipment but the fella on the decks kinda puts a stop to that.So can anyone tell me what makes it acoustic ?

Or am I completely missing the point and Acoustic is just the name of the show.In which case silly me.

I was expecting some acoustic basses and guitars, until I saw the Fenders...

I guess it just means, isolated I guess, considering it's basically only her and the band performing, completely lacking an overtly large audience.
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