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Old 06-13-2008, 11:14 AM
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Of Discrimination Ticketmaster From Mexico to the disabled.

On May 8, a few days after they were put on sale tickets for the concert Alizee try to buy, via telephone and together with my brothers, tickets for the concert on June 17, but everything stays in the attempt, because to ask whether the National Auditorium had access for the disabled, I was informed that Ticketmaster, does not sell tickets for the disabled, these must be purchased at the ticket office of the National Auditorium, which sells tickets for the disabled, the only day of the event , Hoping to reach that place and not staying outside, because that is clogging a wheelchair, she explains that the tickets are flying and that the day of the event (Fri Jun 17, 2008, 20:30) was not none, but obviously this is not your problem.
¡Es ridículo! It is ridiculous! El día del concierto no quedara ni un solo boleto por venderse. The day of the concert was not even a single ticket sold for.
It's stupid to require that a disabled person driving, go directly to the ticket office to purchase your ticket, just when you're having trouble getting around, then why you put this kind of obstacles? As is that people without any health problems, will offer more facilities to buy a ticket? What kind of country is this? The country of stupidity?

Call the National Auditorium, to request reports, but in the National Auditorium, after I wait for a long time on the phone, does not offer any help, because the irresponsible person, not found when needed and this website filled with useless information and does not include any information about it, except for a flash map, which aims to show the areas reserved for disabled at the end of each section, back up, no matter what is paid, when in most countries civilized, the disabled are always places them in front and with their families.

Yesterday a friend told me that in this country things are changing, but I do not see it, the only thing I see is the same country of shit as ever.
This is discrimination in this country the disabled suffer discrimination of the worst kind, Ticketmaster, is violating the law on disability and federal law to prevent and eliminate discrimination.
What kind of country is this? Where is given to ordinary people all services and put so many obstacles and barriers to the disabled, how to move forward so many stupid primates?

I've been so depressed and so full of anger in recent weeks, which could not write a single word of this criticism, I find it incredible that thanks to a bunch of morons who do not adhere to the law, miss the chance to see Alizée.

My family and a server, Alizée met in 2002 when I was invited by the government of France to represent Mexico in Dessin de Presse, and I had the opportunity to listen for the first time Moi Lolita, who then was the only song that could be downloaded from the Internet and could not get anything else, not a single video, not a single photograph, nothing in Mexico and nobody knew it was impossible to obtain his records, it took many years for that to change.
My family and a server, we are probably some of the first Mexican fans Alizée, I was the first Mexican to join the French club official and one of the first to see their videos with high quality, and one of the last to join the club Mexican, and now I can not see it, thanks to these unfortunate people.

I wanted to take as an example the latter bad experience with a concert Alizée, to denounce the miserable treatment, as in Mexico to the disabled, although discrimination by Ticketmaster, a problem is minimal compared to all the problems faced by disabled people in this uncivilized country, I have been hurt too, joined the thousands of times I've been treated so humiliating and discriminatory, for over 8 years, because thanks to discrimination, and irresponsibility of so many doctors, Today I am a disabled, and thanks to the flojedad and heaviness of the Center for Disability DIF, today I have no right to rehabilitation, or employment; thanks to the irresponsibility of this at the head of Human Rights, were never defended my rights, thanks the futility of the Medical Arbitration Commission, was never carried out the agreements and demands printed on paper, but it is unfair to repair these details at minimum, if we think that through this string of mediocre people, weak and irresponsible, and millions are dead.

En la actualidad México cuenta con las suficientes leyes, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los discapacitados. At present Mexico has sufficient laws to improve the quality of life for the disabled.
But what are you doing? When authorities in this country, have been unable to establish the appropriate mechanisms to prevent, punish and prevent discrimination against the disabled and even to improve their quality of life.

Miento the Senate, when he says, working to improve the living conditions of the disabled, the Senate's sole purpose is to benefit from such publicity, at the expense of human pain.
If you really want to help the disabled, must comply with the convention 159 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) which came into force in 2002, to amend the Labour Act and the law of the IMSS, which dictate that if a company hires a single disabled, must pay higher fees, for all their employees, why no one hired disabled, except some spheres of government and some other employer, as a favour to the government in turn, to keep up appearances and pretend that any disabled person, is entitled to a job; could give tax incentives to companies that hire disabled That the salary of a disabled person is tax deductible, But that will not do so because the day they actually do something for the disabled are no longer benefit from this advertising, only San Luis Potosi and Nuevo Leon, have shown interest in solving the problem.
But there are disabled who do not even have the right to health, and every day are dying of hunger, begging in the streets across the country, with no chance to succeed.

Si bien, tantos hipócritas hablan de la importancia de prevenir la discapacidad, Aquí en la Ciudad? While many hypocrites speak of the importance of preventing disability, here at City? De Toluca, ni un solo hospital cuenta con medicamentos, ni personal, para atender pacientes con Hemofilia, aun cuando existe una cifra de más de 1035 casos registrados en el Edo. In Toluca, not a single hospital has drugs, or personnel, to meet patients with haemophilia, even if there is a figure of more than 1035 cases recorded in Edo. Mexico, (according to the IAP, which also serves for nothing) that few, because a vast majority will have already died since a haemophiliac without the slightest attention, as has been claimed to be the Secretary of Health Edomex, from always, is not more than the 16 or 19 years, this is inexcusable, even more, when the packaging of these medicines, which by the way, are not sold in any pharmacy, including the logo DIF, the IMSS, the SSA, when such units are refusing to handle them, either by stupidity, nonsense, for irresponsibility or negligence, they will say that a lack of resources, but this is false, that if we take account that these drugs may replaced by blood products, which since always have refused to handle.

And to say about the fate of the HIV patients in this country corrupted God.

In short, in Mexico the disabled have no right to health, employment, justice, or to culture, even though the law marks the opposite.

I know that some disabled, who are dedicated to sport, because of their activity, enjoy some privileges, but in many instances the nature of disability or the seriousness of this prevents many disabled people, we spend on a sport, because this would exacerbate our status, as in my case, I am Traditional & Digital Artist, Poet and Visual Cartoonist.
Actualmente he representado a México en más de 100 exhibiciones en todo el mundo, excepto en México, y mi trabajo siempre ha sido de los más celebrados. I currently represented Mexico in over 100 exhibitions worldwide, except in Mexico, and my work has always been among the most celebrated. He put his name high in Mexico and I wonder… Why represent a country, I have been medically treated worse than a dog?
And sometimes I get so embarrassed, because all over the world ask me about corruption, about the government's links with drug trafficking, embezzlement of the country, insecurity, Chiapas, a democracy that no avail, Change the assumption that it was not, the violation of human rights, and flojedad to head such institutions inept What to say to that? What side before putting so much shame?, The most positive that I have commented on Mexico, it is the largest city in the world and then added, Mexicans are reproduced like rabbits.
Over the past year participating in a single exposure, because he did not want to give my data that was representing Mexico, sometimes this country gives me so much shame that I would even change his nationality, but still representing Mexico and what constitutes a following exposure, but it hurts so much, every time I write his name.

I took the job of writing this brief criticizes, for you fans Alizée, understood as things stand in this country, which for over 70 years, thousands of corrupt politicians, have been charged with plunge into misery, until today, and do not stop further cheating by advertising lava brains that diffuses power every day, and in which spends billions, which could remedy many shortcomings of our country, because in this youth power for require that these can not continue happening, the power to demand a change and the power to drive.
Why dense account, which so many millions of people who have done harm to our country, throughout history, are people with old ideas, which are opposed to a real change, which only enrich looted. The change from that heard daily on radio and television, is nothing more than advertising.

When you are denigrated, when your rights are trampled, you do not stay silent when you are discriminated against, when you are the victim of medical malpractice, you do not stay with his arms crossed, demándalos, when you are a victim of corruption, neglect of some served Public, report it, because that's the only way to change this country, unfortunately none of the institutions mentioned above, as Human Rights, to serve anything, tell us that not all human, but in any case have Internet and the means to give in your case, so massive.

I know some will say, both by a scandal Alizée concert, but is this, what I have written precisely for fans Alizée, finally is that this is not the most appropriate place to launch a criticism like this, but that is Alizée as fans, we have a forum in a way that unites us, instead of the disabled persons lacking, and what is more, I doubt that the vast majority, by its shortcomings, has access to the Internet.

See you soon.

Dark Dark

PS My brothers already have their ticket, so, it is completely impossible for me to attend, because there are so many things to organise such as transport etc….
I know some of you will say stupidities such as "If you're a true fan is already Alizée come as any price", but these are nothing but nonsense, the absence of transportation for disabled Toluca-Mexico, we must hire a taxi that Initially charged more than $ 500 pesos or $ 700 for the trip, but the waiting time per hour, which will be long, because we must arrive early afternoon and the concert ends, thus, get more than $ 1000 and many weights the trip, and tickets, and are impossible to achieve.
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