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Old 06-19-2008, 07:18 PM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
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Default Jung n' Barrett's: Golden Gods of Lillywear

So anyways, I would just like to take the time and post this thread, after much scheming and dreaming over at the Bar and Grill, i'm glad to announce to precursor creation services of Jung and Barrett's.

We're gonna attempt to get these in production, preferably for our own uses, but the thought of all you forum members, with individuality, thought, personalities so unique and different, I just couldn't help but share. If you are in any slightest way interested in getting something "Lillyfied" please do not hesitate to post here, i'll see what I can draw up, and hopefully you'll like it.

Here is a starter, me and Jung have been discussing it over at the Bar and Grill for a week now, along with other things such as custom Alizée guitars, cars, and whatnot. Hopefully this catches your eye, if not, well then voice your opinion, I have nothing better to do rather than draw designs of anything I can imagine, and adding a little bit of Lilly on there.

If I ever come up with anything new and sophisticated, i'll post it here, but if you wanna help find something I can Lillify, well then voice it up here, i'll draw it right away fast as I can, accurate as I can, fashionable as I can, and as Alizée'd out as you want it to be.
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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