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Old 06-24-2008, 03:48 AM
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Default Happy days o.O

Originally Posted by darth_tiberius View Post
The paparazzi deserve no mercy in my opinion. It is not a proper job to harrass others. Celebrities have gone to do worse things and go mentally unstable due to high media exposure and harrassment.

The paparazzi should be dealt matters of legislation of course......maybe.
Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
I have mixed views
First I says the paparazzi does go way too far in most cases but the celebrities know this is the price they have to pay for being famous. They are called entertainers, so their job is to entertain us! So I don't know where i really stand on this.
Yes, they knew the price, but they took it anyway, not to be harrased, but to share with the world what they can do, and what thier beliefs are. Not how they live. Celebrities should only be exposed when they allow it to be, because no matter how big or small a living thing is. He and she both have rights, these rights vary according to the laws of nature. Humans have the most rights, because we have the biggest responsibilities, even though 75% of our population ignore them-_- however, our idols are human too. To be paid to violate this right of another persons is in its own right punishable, by however crude the situation is. If the victim says off with his arm, then i see no wrong in that. As long as it doesnt happen again, one guys arm is worth the lesson of a thousand. And how would i know it wont happen again? I dont, but I do know that whoevers seen the consequence, yet does it again anyway, is either incredibly brave, or a complete idiot, either way, same punishment will double the lessons learned. (yes, cruel, but a successfull ruler has gracefull wisdom, but a stone cold, yet just heart)
woot, that was a nice long rant about rights. It felt good to voice my own beliefs, it made me hungry though, editing my own words

Last edited by MonteCristo; 06-24-2008 at 04:00 AM..
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