Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 06-28-2008, 01:52 PM
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Default Gas $

Gas here in South Central New York are at 4.29/Gal.

I am staying under 55mph on my 22 mile ride to work every day. vOv

We've been trying to make 'group" trips for groceries/whatever, so that we take only one car (usually my wife's, as it gets 34mpg).

I'm actually expecting more gas price increases.

Drilling won't help gas prices, as it takes 3 to 5 years to bring a new field online.

For instance, in the US, they've been talking about drilling in Alaska National Wildlife Preserve (which I oppose). This is going to bring in (at best) 500,000 barrels a day! WHOOOP! Until you remember that the US uses (as of my latest numbers, think their actually from last year) 81,000,000 barrels a day. 1/160th......

That isn't going to make a dent in prices at all. Beyond that, it will take so long to get those fields running, its like "why bother". If we leave it there, it will be there for when we need it (like when gas hits $25.00 gal...)

I remember filling up my 1962 Galaxy 500 with 29 Gallons of gas, and it cost $14.50.........

Now I fill my Grand Am - 14 Gallons and its $55.00.........


"Most men serve the state thus: Not as men mainly, but as machines . . . "
Henry David Thoreau
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