Thread: Wisdom Teeth
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Old 07-16-2008, 10:05 AM
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Toc De Mac Toc De Mac is offline
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Originally Posted by tbailey View Post
Tylenol 3


this stuff is powerful
you'll sleep like a baby and dream about Alizee
will completely forget about your wisdom teeth

had all four taken out at once and it helped a lot

btw does anybody know why we have wisdom teeth?

it's the 64,000 dollar question of the day

and no cheating i.e. no wikipedia/google or whatever
Thanks for the suggestions, though I tend to stray from pharmaceutical treatments!

From what I've heard, it wasn't uncommon for our ancestors to lose a permanent tooth (specifically molars) every once in a while due to the much harsher diet they followed. Thus, kind of like the rows of teeth sharks have, wisdom teeth would drift forward and replace the lost tooth.

Though I'm no expert, so this could just be an urban myth.
D'où est, d'où vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

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