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Old 08-01-2008, 09:58 AM
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lefty12357 lefty12357 is offline
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My fear was the deletions would have this affect. It’s tempting to read between the lines and assume she is sending us a negative message, but for now let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. It may not have been her doing in the first place.

In an interview some time ago Alizée said that if it was up to her, she would never leave France (in pursuit of her career). At that time it seemed she didn’t want to go to Mexico, much less the USA. But we’ve seen since then that France has been somewhat lukewarm and Mexico has played a large part in her career. She obviously changed her mind about Mexico and ended up going there. I think she will do the same with the USA if she sees some proof that there is enough interest here. I wouldn’t doubt she has already warmed up to the idea and she is just waiting for things to fall into place.

That’s where we come in. Increase awareness of Alizée in the USA. Grow the fan base and get the media’s attention. The two go hand in hand. If the media gets on this story, awareness will grow dramatically, and hopefully so will the fan base.

So if your thing is to make videos, don’t be discouraged. Keep making them. Remember, posting them on Alizée’s myspace is fine if you want her to see them, but it’s also like preaching to the choir. We can assume most people visiting there are already fans or at least know who she is. Try to think of other places to post them where Americans will see them. Look for opportunities to use your talent towards the goal of Alizée awareness in the USA.
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