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Old 09-24-2008, 10:30 PM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
Faded into Gray
Join Date: May 2008
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TheBarrett is on a distinguished road

Environment is what it is.
I personally could denounce many traits stereotyped in a male, but yet I have some of them so well. I don't like competition, for the most part, if ever I compete it is only for the thrill and fun of it, and never to win. I don't like sports, as a majority, I watch football here and there, support Man. U or Pompey, but this is a passive and lesser end of my existence. I don't like over-socialization, I enjoy it when I require it, but i'd rather stay home alone, and explore the inner contents of mentality, wisdom, and improve on what I must, whether it be education, musical skill, artistic expression, or whatnot.

I think it is all about influence. Society tends to conform to tradition, girls should act this way, boys should act this way, I say that's bullcrap, like society has always been. It is wise you keep some part of this tradition however, if you train a female to act like a boy all of her life, then chances are she might alter to a homosexual relation. My uncle has three sons, two of which are gay, simply because my uncle was always at home whereas my aunt did all the hard work, the two boys drew heavy influence from the female dominance, and now they are homosexual. The other son however, well he was a social rebel quite like me, he snuck out, didn't care much about parenting and doing good in school, he remained straight, and well, he's not doing too bad now, he now lives in California and actually is making a good living working as a sound guy in the Hollywood studios.

It IS about influence, it comes down to the pathway, girl that likes Jonas Brothers? Or girl that likes Opeth.
Boys that like Fall Out "fags", or boys that like Opeth.
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."
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