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Old 10-08-2008, 09:35 PM
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vercingetorix vercingetorix is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Seattle,WA
Age: 39
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vercingetorix is on a distinguished road
Default ''calvary''

O.K You all know me...All Calvary all the way...I would like to be a human druid berzerker knight who commands my 19 Killaz,19 Killaz=19 calvary men with magical powers that enable my calvary to prolonged fighting...My knights carry lances for powerful charges and ball spiked clubs for close quarters combat and I carry my lance and a claymore like braveheart does and have my druid powers to give a few select soldiers extra fighting strength such as my 19 Kilaz for a short period of time...Dosn't matter if they are my own soldiers or not I can distribute the extra power to who ever I want...And my ultimate weapon that I wield is the ''Ray Of Light Death From Above'' a spiritual weapon that beams down from above and takes a soul to the after life after defeating them in kombat so the soul of the defeated opponent dosn't linger around and wreak havoc among the living...This spiritial weapon has to be used in close quarters with my hands guiding the beam...Thank you...... Oh yeah I'm a good guy by the way...

Last edited by vercingetorix; 10-09-2008 at 03:59 AM..
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