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Old 11-01-2008, 02:40 AM
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TheBarrett TheBarrett is offline
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Originally Posted by edgar93 View Post
Why does people always is criticize her voice (Im not talking about you guys, Im talking about the ones that are not fans). I often hear in tv programs people sayin´ she hasnt a good voice, but thats not true !
And always the say that no one cares, with her sexy dances its enough .
You should know what century you're in.
It's called the 21st century, and so far it's becoming one of the worst.
And here, most people in the 21st century, are total lustheads who could care less about voice, talent, etc.
Got a great body or a sexy face = success

They criticize my metal because it's too harsh, now they're criticizing her poppish voice, what's next? Mocking Frank Sinatra because his voice was too gelly? I hate this century...
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