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Old 11-11-2008, 11:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
What's the point?
Forum etiquette. To end the off topic spiral. Normally, I wouldn't respond to the "What's the point" request, but I figure others might be interested in a method that can be used to end an off topic discussion from spiraling out of control.

When an off topic subject begins to spiral out of control, a good way to end it is to cede the last argumentative point to the opposition, and to provide a neutral response. There are several neutral options, "Let's agree to disagree" is one that can be used. In my case, I made a call for others to avail themselves of the information available and draw their own conclusions. The key to a neutral position is you can't make an argumentative point.

In this case, I ceded dreamer the final point, and made a neutral call for education. The proper response is to either drop it, or (for those compelled to have the last word even when others have ceased the argument) to reply with a follow up neutral response. The neutral-neutral should end it, like a hand shake, and the thread can continue on topic. Sometimes the other party doesn't want to drop the off topic spiral even though one party has reverted to a neutral response. They will respond to the neutral call with additional argumentative response; this has happened in this thread. In this case, the party that ceded with the neutral comment should simply not reply. Note I did not reply to dreamers second argumentative statement as I have already ceded to neutral and do not wish the topic to spiral. Off topic diversion CLOSED.

However, occassionally a third party will jump in and threaten to stir it all up again. So I thought I would take this opportunity to teach a few things about forum etiquette in handling an off topic spiral. As long as you are willing to cede to a neutral response, you can end the spiral. And for everyone on the sidelines, once one party goes neutral, don't jump's about to end.