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Old 11-26-2008, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by dreamer View Post
Ok, I think I have figured out the secret of Alizée's supreme attractiveness (at least to men): She is the perfect melange, she has everything we want or desire in a girl/woman but rarely see combined in a single person. She is cute. She is sexy. She is beautiful. She has a tender/romantic side and a fun side.

To be honest I'm convinced by now that her looks are far more important than her personality when it comes to answering the question why she attracts like no other. She seems to be a nice enough person, but her character is also not that special (or maybe it is but it is certainly not apparent from the interviews she has given over the years). And she would have to be really mean, a nasty character all around to throw me off, but it's completely sufficient to act nice to draw me in.
It's her looks, really. Like I said, there are very few women who are beautiful, sexy and cute all at the same time. And she is at the very top in all of these categories. Think about it.
I can’t disagree with your assessment of Alizée’s outer appearance, but the sound of her voice is also very important to me. And I’m not going to knock you for focusing in on her looks because the same DNA that shaped her on the outside also gave shape to the parts of her that form the sound of her voice.

If she was a nasty person I might still listen to her music, but I would not be the fan that I am. I would not invest the time, energy and money on her that I currently do. And looks alone would not be enough for me to support her to that extent.

Her personality and character, or at least my perception of what her personality and character are, plays an important role in my continuing level of support for her. If someday I find that I was completely wrong about her, well then I will cross that bridge if or when I come to it.

I can’t say she is the best singer, the nicest person, the most beautiful, the sexiest, or the cutest. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s the total package. As an artist, she is hard to resist. I just know that somehow, someone very much like her lived in my imagination, long before I saw Alizée for the first time.
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