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Old 11-27-2008, 11:25 AM
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OGRE OGRE is offline
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I don't depends on my mood.

But I will mention one that I play often is J.B.G. Not just for the voice, but for the instrumentals. All of them. I can listen to this song over and over and over again and if you focus on something different each time, it's like a brand new song. Lots of Laurent's work are like that. Me like.

Edit: Oh and I really like how Alizée rolls the notes off the end of "beaute" when singing "Un canon de beaute".

And for an instrumental example, note how Laurent transitions from a guitar main theme in beginning to a trumpet (or synthesized trumpet) later in song. He does this a lot...changing theme or sub theme instrumentals. Same chord. Different instrument. In Veni Vedi Vici he swaps the flute for a guitar. You expect one thing and he delivers it, but with a different instrument. Sort of like a double entendre, but with the instruments.

Last edited by OGRE; 11-27-2008 at 11:38 AM..
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