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Old 12-30-2008, 10:27 PM
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Youpidou1 Youpidou1 is offline
Alizée's FireFighter
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: NY
Age: 34
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Youpidou1 is on a distinguished road

Star Wars The Old Republic is announced everyone. You all can quit WoW and Warhammer and Runescape and Guild Wars because this game is going to put the hammer down, KOTOR III in MMO style. The game is set to have a variaty of characters and story lines for each and everyone to follow but choose wisely because what you choose will stick with you forever, this ain't WoW where your a human and you go on another server and say OMG OMG OMG OMG ORCS ORCS ORCS ORCS ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK. This game is going to have more quests more land to cover and of course Jedi madness.

Thank You Bioware for finally creating a game that can put an end to the 11 Million players of World of Warcraft.
Thank You Bioware for creating another KOTOR.
Thank You Bioware for keeping Star Wars a memory for the future.
"If they sent us to hell, we'd put it out." R-2

All you need is 1 Truck.

Last edited by Youpidou1; 12-30-2008 at 10:31 PM..
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