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Old 01-02-2009, 11:28 AM
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Mr. Mike
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Future Raptor Ace is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Chommpers View Post
Bringing this back up because I saw a show with her during New Years. B. would probably hate me for this, but I don't think Miley is that bad. I am not into her music from what I have heard, but she seems pretty sensible and smart. She has that girly attention to herself but it almost seems for show, I mean she is a teenager and a HUGE star, but it strikes more like a character she plays. She can be serious and comes off as caring and sincere. I don't really get the hate towards her. You have to look a bit deeper I think, I don't really see her turning into a bad apple, I think she has a good head on her shoulders.

The show I watched was something Miley put together where fans upload videos and a lucky winner gets to spend New Years with Miley or something to that effect. It reminded me of the Alizée and jessica video. She picked the girl because she did a lot of community service to raise awareness of breast cancer and had raised about $10,000 to fund research on a cure. Miley did all sorts of nice surprises and performed for the girl along with helping the girl with raising awareness and funding research for a cure. It was really nice and pretty sweet, she didn't seem like a brat in her heart to me, her character may just come off that way because its the over the top teenage star.
Miley is a phony insincere bitch and a spoiled brat; at least she comes off that way to me which is why she will be the next big Hollywood train wreck in my opinion


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