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Old 01-08-2009, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Sitting by the bay View Post
Great Idea Ruroshen! To bad it is not during work hours. I could totally work on my TPS reports and listen in at the same time. If Lumbergh lets Milton listen to the radio while he collates, then I really don't see it being a problem.

But weekends are for family time, especially when my boy is having his 3rd B-day party. Coincidentally the same time as this party.

Hey Roman,
I invited the new chick from logistics to my party....if things go well you could be showing her your ....(you know the rest)
Oh yeah, likely excuse. Like your son is not going to want to watch Alizée with us on his birthday. pfft! Not buying it! Why don't you just tell him you don't want to go to the birthday party? Yeah, I know, you can't do that! He'll get all pissed off and besides... uh, never mind.

Well, I don't really know many lines that well or have the timing down, so, I'll stick with Alizée for the moment. ... "there was nothing wrong with it until I turned about 15 and that no talent ass-clown starting winning Grammys. eh, why don't you just go by Mike or something? No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks." - off the top of my head. How was that? "I HATE this piece of shit! Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam!? You and me both man. That thing is lucky I'm not armed." Ok, I'll stop. I guess this is neither the time nor place.

Originally Posted by Ruroshen View Post
1) Which is your favorite song from the concert?
2) Which is your favorite outfit?
3) Do you have one moment in particular that really "gets" you? A close-up, a smile, a choice bit of choreography?
4) Do you prefer the studio cuts or the live performances?
5) Who does Lili really like better--Phillipe (bass) or Gil (lead guitar)?
Thanks for the homework. I get distracted easily, but I will try to do this. I think we'll need to meet a bit before the start time and answer these and then look for any interesting opinions or observations during play time.

Ok, well, I just watched the first four songs and I already have a bunch of comments. I never thought I'd go into watching an Alizée concert with a notepad, but it happens. This is going to be like that one Chris Farley skit though where he's interviewing some actor and he's like, "oh, oh, and remember that one part of such and such movie?" and the other guy, "yeah". "That was so cool."

[emo]But I couldn't get through Hey Amigo even without crying. I love her so much. There is no life after Alizée. [/emo] Sorry Alizée, if I ever meet you again, I will be sort of normal like the last time. I swear, I wouldn't go all weird on you. I can sit and have a conversation (with an interpreter, doh!) and be normal. Of course, I'll never meet her under normal circumstances; so, I get to just be crazy fan guy instead.

Merci Fanny

Last edited by Roman; 01-08-2009 at 03:31 AM.. Reason: adding more bla bla