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Old 01-10-2009, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Yeah and I never saw a listing of everyone there. There are band members (like I recognize the bass player recently brought up elsewhere), Jérémy, Alizée's manager right next to her (right?), and Alizée's friend Soko, who Greg and Aldo met on an excursion in Mexico, and is that Alizée's mom and Bilitis across the table? (seriously, I would not know. I'm not very good at this stuff anyway.) he he, I like Jérémy's big ol' grin. I still want to meet that guy so I can do the Wayne's World "we're not worthy!" prostration, though at this point, I don't know. It would have played much better several months ago, like even at the time of this photo. And yeah, I'd definitely need at least one other person there to be Wayne and at least be able to get up, laugh it off and say, just kidding. Though, yeah, I heard that Jérémy knows English pretty well, so so much the better. And of course, if he was standing next to Alizée at the time is how that little fantasy properly plays out. (where's the I'm a dork emoticon?)

wheres jeremy??
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