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Old 01-20-2009, 10:57 PM
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Ruroshen Ruroshen is offline
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Ruroshen is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Roman View Post
She's just a small town girl, living in a hectic world. She took the midnight plane going baaack there. He's just a city boy, born and raised south of Paris, he took the midnight métro going aaanywhere. – ok, sorry, I guess that wasn't really necessary. I'd be groaning if I was you.)
Hey man, don't stop believin'. Hold on to that feelin'!

I was no longer in promo and I had the desire to change the hair a little bit! What would they have said if I had arrived blonde or red [laughs]!
Qu'est-ce que c'est? Did somebody say redheaded Alizée? Om nom nom nom

Don't listen to Roman, Lili. He's clearly clinically insane. Do eet. Do eet!!

(Sorry, always have had a thing for redheads. This can't help but strike me as two great tastes that taste great together, and all that. OK, I'll stop now. )

Well, I hope she does not think that people might stop paying attention or her fans not care just because she's not "in promo". Having said that, it's her hair and she can change whenever she feels like it, though I do get the point that keeping a certain look to associate with the album while in so called active promo does make sense. (but I liked the curls while it lasted I tell you) The other thing is, well, really now, if part of your product is you yourself, as is the case here, to some degree you are really always in promo – has been every day since Moi... Lolita hit the airwaves. That is, if there are fans, they care about everything and are always paying attention. Alizée fans had survived years of her ignoring that fact, but that doesn't really make it less true. I think the loss of fans and closing of fan web sites this winter proved that well enough, as well, even after being out of promo or any intentional public view for years she still had people hoping to see her every day and analysing every photo that happened to come along every few months. It's just the reality of being a star (or not being one).)
I think at issue here is that, when she's not "in promo", she (rightfully, imho) feels like she shouldn't have to be "on", and should be allowed to do (wear, say, pierce, tattoo, marry , etc.) whatever she wants, however she wants to do it. It's not so much that she thinks we're not paying attention; it's that maybe, from her point of view, we shouldn't be.

I was thinking about this just the other day, actually: how would you like to be defined by your job, 24/7/365? To have to wear your work uniform everywhere, all the time, even on your day off? To be held to the same level of professional conduct as you would be at work, always? That's kind of what I imagine celebrity to be like, and you can keep it, if you ask me. Obvious benefits aside, it sounds like it'd get really old before too long.

Weird tangent there, sorry.

The other thing is, I have this feeling like the concert should be tweaked to make those old songs fit in better without changing them so much. What bands change their classic favorites so as to lose all the original feel of them? I think Alizée might have mistook a bit of artistic integrity as being more important than just giving people what they want.
I'm honestly of two minds on this. On the one hand, I love much of what they've done as far as the reorchestrations go. I really like the sampling of Madonna's Music and the greater emphasis on a rocking guitar in Moi...Lolita, and the funky bassline in the new JPVA kicks some rather serious ass...but I'm an extremely new fan who hasn't lived with and loved these songs for nigh on a decade. They didn't sustain me through four years of radio silence. To me, they're just another set of official remixes, y'know?

So while on the one hand I believe they simply rock, on the other I can understand why some older fans think it's a travesty. I do agree that perhaps more of a balance could have been struck--the reprise of JEAM for the encore, for example, perhaps could have been performed in the classic style? I dunno, just thinking out loud...

I really do want to see what she'd do with an updated C'est Trop Tard, though. I cast my vote for a full-on, Queen-style stadium rock extravaganza, but that's just me.

Do you take pleasure in watching the video of your old concert?

As a general rule, I do not watch myself. I do not watch my televised appearances, I rarely read my interviews. If it's necessary to watch myself in order to progress, I submit to it, but without pleasure.
Well, damn...there goes any hope of her listening to our commentary track I guess, huh?

To see what I wish to give today, and[FONT=Verdana] how to experience Psychédélices on stage, one must come see me on tour and at the Grand Rex!

Nope, not gonna touch this one. Moving on...

That's it for that interview folks.
Awesome, Roman. This was great to read. Thank you so much for all your hard work!
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