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Old 02-17-2009, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
741sm (7,976sf) is huge. Looks like they either have a trophy house or they are planning on building a studio in the place.
Well, building a studio would seem like a rather obvious thing to do. Heck, if I could I think I might want to do that myself. Though I wonder. Sometimes working from home is not as much fun or maybe one could get bored staying at home all the time. Of course, I say that coming from a very different situation than such people as them.

As one person said, it's about time. I think their other apartment was a bit small for the three of them, especially if one does want to have a home studio for composing music. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me if I found out that they just hadn't gotten around to finding a new place yet.

But like I said in the other thread, for all I know it could have been an inheritance. Yeah, doesn't really make that much difference. It's not like I get invited over a lot anyway, but it is an interesting piece of news. If it's true, I am happy for them that they are able to get such a nice place. Seems like the kind of place Alizée would be happy, though it is rather large. I don't know if I'd want the responsibility of taking care of such a place. Though when I was her age, or maybe a bit younger, I think I would have gone for it. The girl grows up and so do other things.

Merci Fanny
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