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Old 03-16-2009, 02:58 PM
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Dark Engine Dark Engine is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 183
Dark Engine is on a distinguished road

I was trying to download a movie back in 2002, Bourne Identity I think. I guess someone mislabeled the file because I ended up with the vid, Moi...Lolita. I became intrigued with the girl and found out she was an 18 year old french pop singer. I looked up her music and Vini Vidi Vici sounded interesting so I bought the whole album.

I found her music to be very soothing. I had gotten my heart broken by a girl that left me for another guy (typical for my luck with women). The music had really helped me cope, especially since all my closest friends left me high and dry in my solitude. Six months of being brokenhearted with no one to talk too, I damn near went crazy. The sad part is, I had a repeat of this shit while stationed in Korea and that incident was 10 times worse. To this day, I still have trouble trying to get over my former friends, co-workers, and commander trying to destroy my Air Force career; but I digress...

After awhile, I finally decided to rebuild my shattered self esteem. That's when I started getting into body building. I built up the courage to get the hell away from my home by enlisting in the Air Force. Yeah, as funny as it is, Alizée is the real reason I joined the Air Force. Not to try and meet her, I just wanted to meet women from other places. Because of Alizée, I wanted to go overseas and find a foreign wife.

Ironically, I'm still single 7 years later. I've had nothing but bad relationships even with women from other countries. Unlike most of her male fans, I do have a grip on reality and don't have fantasies about marrying her. Her music serves as a reminder that there are actually decent women out there even though I seem to only get involved with unfaithful whores. I probably wont even need her music once I find that special someone. I'd be to worried that it would upset my woman, but that's just how I think.

I often wonder what Alizée would think if she knew that her music motivated someone to find their better half.
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