Thread: Wtf?
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Old 05-01-2009, 09:18 PM
edgar93 edgar93 is offline
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Originally Posted by LL Cool B View Post
Why have the natives gone so silent? I know the past 12 months have been turbulent, but I am astonished by the lack of enthusiasm around these parts lately. We have a new album coming out people, she is twittering everyday, she is giving us insight on the new album.

She is actually communicating! Is that not what we all yearned for?

Not one person had a take on the Chateau Marmont thing?

I for one am very happy that she has set a new course, and it seems like she is happy too. Just look at the picture from lunch. You can see she is genuinely having a blast.

I am really happy for her! and I am really happy to be a Alizee fan right now.

I've noticed that too. When I joined, last september, AAm was a lot more active than it is now. Even I have slowed down, and not only me, most of the regular guys have. Not to mention that Barrett left, which may explain the lack of posts .

We had Les Enfoires time and I couldn't see any change , we had this Aguascalientes concert and yet, couldn't see any change, still the forums are slow. Let's see what happens after the album release...
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