Thread: Alex busted!
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Old 05-09-2009, 08:21 AM
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Edcognito Edcognito is offline
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Rocket, I think all men (to one degree or another) are "horndogs" when it comes down to it. Different things brings it out in different people.

MOST men, however, have been trained/indoctrinated/culturally conditioned (at least in the USA) to disguise those emotions/thoughts lest they be percieved as "dirty", "perverted" or "disgusting..." None of which sound like compliments. Seems like in many cultures there is a greater acceptance of attraction/sexual attraction than there is in the USA... Maybe is our repressive, Protestant cultural upbringing? (Spoken by a truely *lapsed* protestant...).

My *personall* distaste is aroused (see what I did there? ) when someone posts something specific/specifically sexual or (admittedly - in my own eyes) demeaning...

Hell yes she's hot, and so are you. vOv I may be pushing 50... But I guarantee you I'm still totally human, and healthy!

Two quick notes:

#1 - In the second picture from the OP, please notice that Alex's eyebrows are considerably higher than in the first picture..

#2 - In La Isla Bonita, the absolutely most mesmerizing sight for me are her eyes.... I could fall into them and just drown...

Hope that clears it up!


P.S. - Guys, just FYI - it is NEVER cool to PM an unknown female (even if you know her via the interwebs) with a proposition... Just bad form...


"Most men serve the state thus: Not as men mainly, but as machines . . . "
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
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