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Old 05-19-2009, 12:54 AM
SimonH SimonH is offline
The Snowboarder
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SimonH is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
When Alizée first appeared on the scene she was the right girl with the right music at the right time. This doesn’t happen very often and of course she was a huge hit. Even less often can an artist keep repeating that success. When you start at the top, where can you go from there? One would almost have to expect her career to cool down some.

Probably a lot of her fans in the beginning were people just looking for the latest bandwagon to jump onto. Those people always move on to something else, and then on to something else again. Yes, I’m sure she also lost fans who were stuck on the Lolita thing, and still others who simply didn’t like her new music or “look”. There was also her long absence from the business which probably cost her some momentum.

Also, we have to consider the lack of a well executed and sustained promotion and marketing effort for her third album, not to mention having to cancel concerts. Although I feel the songs on Psychédélices were good, I don’t think that any one of them jumped out as a “big hit” type of song. It’s too bad 50/60 didn’t get some heavy promo.

Through it all though, she has her small group of hard core fans in France and Europe, as well as her newfound Mexican and other international fans. I think we all agree that Alizée is special to us as a person, as well as an artist, and that’s why we stick by her through thick and thin. You won’t get the general public to go that far. Keep in mind that some of her Mexican fans may disappear as well. A certain percentage of fans will always move on to something else once the novelty wears off, and they never come back no matter what. Once you are “yesterday’s news” to them, they can actually become sick of you and even dislike you. It’s sad, but true.

So should Alizée have more fans? Considering all the above, maybe not. Maybe the question to ask is whether Alizée can gain more fans in the future. If she can get a big hit out of her next album and get the promotion she needs, I don’t see any reason why she can’t have a ton of fans. It wouldn’t hurt for her to be exposed to a fresh market that doesn’t know her yet. Novelty can play a big part in the success of an artist and I had always hoped that an adorable French singer hitting the US market at the right time could be that novelty. I know it’s a long shot.

As long as Alizée is allowed to keep playing, she has a chance to hit another home run.
In the meantime, I stick by her because I like her voice and her music, but also because I simply like Alizée, the person.

Sorry for the long post.
Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
This is going to annoy some of you, but if Alizée herself reads it, I think she'll agree with me.

She's going to have to earn more fans.

She made a conscious choice to move away from the image and the style of music that she was singing in the Mylène days. I think it was a good choice for many reasons, but it also means that she is starting over almost from scratch. Many of her old fans fell away after Psychédélices was released, disappointed that the Alizée they used to love is gone.

She must now make contact with a new set of fans, a more mature audience interested in more unusual, non-formula music of the kind she wants to sing. I believe she can do it. Her voice has lost none of its power, and her magic is still strong. She needs better organization in terms of promotion and performances to follow the new album. And finally, she needs time, and a bit of luck. The time she has, and as for the luck -- that can be arranged.

But there's no reason to think she should have more fans already, no. Not in my opinion. She hasn't earned them yet.

(No offense intended, Lili. You know I'm always on your side, no matter what.)
These two post explain it & tell it as it is. I'm sad I missed her "Lolita" days. I'm not even a one year old fan, but I did discover her from her older stuff. I was sad to find out that it happened years ago & even sadder she didn't still do those sexy dances lol. Then I found out she was married... what can I even say about that. Well besides the point, I'm highly looking forward to her new CD because it will be the first product released in my time period of being a fan. Everything else she has released was before I even knew her name.
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