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Old 05-24-2009, 02:45 AM
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CinnamonPixie CinnamonPixie is offline
Jolie Fée Princesse
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Les États-Unis
Posts: 43
CinnamonPixie is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
The best part is playing in the snow with just short sleaves, shorts, cleats, and shin-guards lol, it may be -20 degrees but when your on the field your moving and running all the time and the adrenaline pumping you dont realize its that cold lol.
Um, sure... Ok... It doesn't take much to make me cold. Any cool breeze just tickling its way across my legs and I'm done!
Days when it's really windy out (a cool wind, of course) I HAVE to wear leggings or tights (and shorts ) to try and keep a little warmer since I don't wear a lot of close fitting or tight skirts and dresses (too confining feeling - same reason I wear mostly skirts and dresses to begin with).

Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
But I have to say playing in the rain is fun, frustrating and painfull. Fun because, come on its rain its always fun to play in the rain . Frustrating because the water on the ground slows dwn ur power kicks, and iv had it happen when i shot the dam ball it passed the goaly and instead of bouncing in the goal of he ground it just stop lol right dead in its tack like couple inches from actualy going in the goal.
Oh that stinks! Reminds me of the time I lost that bet with my bf (before we were officially "going steady") over what Halloween costume idea we'd go with... I threw a prayer of a shot up, we were playing basketball - whichever of us was leading when his watch timer (set to 30 min) went off would win - as I heard the beeping alerting us it was in the final seconds... I was losing by two points... My shot, if good, was going to be a 3-pt shot. Well, it stuck between the hoop and the backboard! Just wedged right in there like a doorstop between the door and the floor... THAT SUCKED!

Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
Yeah wasabi idk waht happened lol it switched inot sport section ahahaha. Yeah cheearleaders are one crazy bunch (no offense) but being thrown into the air that hight no thanks lol, everytime I see that im woundering are they gonna catch her lol. But dam are those gorls flexible, again not meaning dirty thoughts Sorry.
Um... uh... wow...
Ok, serious now... It's alright. I knew what you meant (or, I hoped I knew what you meant and was going to assume I was right anyway). We "flyers" (that's what they call us girls that get tossed up in the air so we zip around like Tinkerbell ) aren't crazy. We're just braver than you big strong scaredy-cat boys. Whenever I hear a boy say something like that I just want to (and often do) tease them by offering them one of my frilly skirts to wear.

And yes, flexibility IS a requirement for REAL cheerleading (and I guess for the silly sidelines stuff too, but nowhere near as much).

Originally Posted by wasabi622 View Post
wow guys, remind me how the badass level of sports relates to how ya'll discovered Alizee?

hahahaa, i kid!
It's his fault. I'm innocent... Just cute, sweet, and innocent. I would never do anything like hijacking or derailing a forum thread unless I coerced or duped into it... So it has to be Srbski-kralj's fault!

I don't know what triggered it, off hand, to be honest... It could be my fault... My on-topic story DID more or less start with me being approached while in my cheerleading uniform... And I'm sure you know how one pretty girl can ruin the concentration and focus of a room full silly boys! (The same way one really cute boy can take the breath away from a room full of girls, ruining any hope they had of keeping focused, eh?)

Last edited by CinnamonPixie; 05-24-2009 at 02:54 AM..
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