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Old 05-24-2009, 03:55 AM
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CinnamonPixie CinnamonPixie is offline
Jolie Fée Princesse
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Les États-Unis
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CinnamonPixie is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
Ypu know even if Im not with my ex anymore i still care for her and hope she finds some good i guess, but ull bet ur ass im gona come to her rescue (so to speak) if I find out she is in trouble or someone is hurting her. (not sure wht ill do to the guy, but i promise it wont look preaty)
Aw, such a romantic! So sweet to still be ready to come dashing in to the rescue!

To Future Raptor Ace: HEY! We're not ALL like that!

AND the "weakness" that you talk about is a strength... Not in a manipulative sort of way (that's not using/relying on a strength, that's acting out of fear which is a true weakness and a whole different thing). Being "weak" and "vulnerable" (in more ways than one quite often) is NOT a "weakness" the way you guys think it is...

If you'd stop being such apes and stop thinking in terms of either conquering or being enslaved you might understand that a little easier. There's a lot more power to be found in being willingly submissive than there is to being a conqueror. There's also a lot more risk involved - as you have to open up and let defenses and what-have-you down to let the other party in... That sort of "weak" trait of a girl is a strength of a relationship - there's a reason the Bible says women are the keepers of their family's holy anointing and blessing. That sort of willing submission is what we're all instructed to do heavenward... it's more natural to women...

More to the point here, is that it is also required for you guys too, when in a relationship... It's the only way that one can be successful and work. If both parties aren't willingly submissive to the other - that means both being weak in some measure, in some way(s), for the sake of the other - then they'll push each other (or one will push the other (usually the one that's not is the one pushing, but doesn't realize it and feels pushed)) apart.

I'm not saying you're in the wrong here... I don't know the details and I can't make that call (if I did I'd have to be right, we girls have a reputation to live up about always being right, eh? ). But I'll just say this: If she's not being that way towards you - and generally it's not hard to see if one's not - and meeting you halfway then you have to make a stand somewhere, else be used as a doormat until she goes elsewhere (when she's bored or done with you - as I've had boys do with me in the past, thankfully not many - I'm not the type of girl to let someone make me feel like crap while sitting there and just taking it). If it is you, well... then take a look and see if you can figure out why you are in the wrong and what's wrong...

I hope this sorts itself out for you sooner rather than later and that you both end up happy - regardless of how it turns out!

And, for the record... Yes, we girls are always right! Just like you boys never get lost or need directions!
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