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Old 06-03-2009, 06:38 PM
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Ruroshen Ruroshen is offline
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Originally Posted by Jess View Post
I was just wondering if everyone knows how twitter works: I see a lot of messages directed to Alizée and other people that those sending are not being followed by, and wanted to point out that anyone that is not following you cannot see your messages unless of course they come to your page and read them from there...
Well, yes and no.

It is true that if somebody you're not following replies to you with an @, it won't show up in your timeline (on your Twitter account's 'Home' page).

However, it will show up on the 'Updates mentioning @YourName' page, which you can see by clicking on '@YourName' (where 'YourName' is your Twitter user name) just below 'Home' on the navigation bar to the right. You don't have to follow the person to read their update there.

A few people I'm following have actually started following me because they noticed a reply to them on this page.

In short, Alizée may not see your reply, as it won't show up on her Twitter home page...but there's nothing to prevent her from seeing it if she clicks on '@mellealizee' on her homepage. Don't be discouraged! (But don't expect to receive a reply, either!)

Edit: Adding some images, 'cause I'm not sure my explanation is clear enough:


Last edited by Ruroshen; 06-03-2009 at 11:00 PM.. Reason: Can't tell my right from my left, apparently. Duh!