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Old 06-10-2009, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
Yeah Im with you on that one to man, tragedy indeed. I have noticed that when something goes wrong and people get hurt because of it, then that is the time that companies and crap like that fix stuff. Like for example, they are debating if the speed sensors was the issue. Accourding to the manufacturers the sensor sholw have been repalced but no. Now after the tragic accident all the same sized planes as the one that crashed, the sensor have been replaced. To me it is messed-up that things get fixed after a tragedy and not before it. Srry for the rant.

(if this is off topic, or inapropriate on this topic, please just delete it, but i just had to say something).
There's a special on the Discovery Channel that I saw recently that was about exactly that. It was called "Crashes that changed flying" or something like that. It was very interesting if you could find the time and means to check it out.
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