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Old 06-11-2009, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
Hahaha of course Dreamer comes in because he has a sick fetish in trying to argue with me. Weather hes defending the right or wrong side he use the chance to argue with me, I find this hilarious and disturbing at the same time. I'm not reading what you wrote dreamer because im sure like always its pure BS!
Just what is your problem? It's not my fault that you make quite a lot of mistakes and I will correct them whenever I see them. I do this regardless of who is wrong and regardless of whether I like that person or not. You must be really insecure if you get so defensive when all I did was stating the facts. You know, pretending you're right while refusing to even look at what others might have to say is an attitude that will get you in big trouble sooner or later...

Also, I dont have to "try to argue" with you. LOL
You're simply wrong, end of story.

Originally Posted by Just a Guest View Post
Year zero is finished at the first day of year 1.
So a full decade has finished at the start of year 11...
No, there is no year zero, just as there is no day zero, no hour zero etc. The first year is simply the first 365 days (day one up to and including day 365). If there was a year zero the first decade would have had 11 years (unless you say year zero started one year BC but that doesnt make sense), it's simple.

2010 ends december 31 2010.
Correct. The *first* decade ends at the end of 2010 although all the other years in it are 'zero years' (01, 02, 03 etc.). There is no decade zero just as there is no year zero. See above.

Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
Im not an astronomy major, I am an Engineer. I was in Times Square in 2000 at the new millenium celebration, so I am going to go by that! I don't know anyone who says 1990 was part of the 80s.....because that is what your saying with 2000, you are saying it was part of the 90s!
I rest my case!
So facts don't matter if enough people agree with you? LOL. You won't be much of an engineer if you can't figure out simple math like that.

And yes, 1990 is part of the 9th decade, just as 1910 was part of the first decade. You can either talk about the 9th decade or about the 80s, they're the same thing. But the 80s are not the 8th decade. Get it now?

Last edited by Ruroshen; 06-11-2009 at 08:10 PM.. Reason: Merged replies. Please edit your post to add info rather than posting multiple replies.