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Old 06-21-2009, 04:35 PM
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Nikita Nikita is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Swedeen
Age: 32
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Nikita is on a distinguished road

I like her voice in the sense that she can go quite low down, and still sound soft and warm.

However, I think in the studiorecordings, the volume is altered a lot,
and it's only when she's sitting still and concentrating, (like in Javanaise) that her voice sounds most alike to the recordings.

In my eyes this doesn't make her a fantastic singer, because she obviously lacks the technique that can help her control her voice when she has to move around at the same time.

But having said that, I like the way her voice sounds, and that can be a reason to call her a good singer, but some people need to hear some more technique skill to call her good.

It's all how you see it, really.
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