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Old 06-29-2009, 10:05 PM
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Originally Posted by edgar93 View Post
I think that's a very important point Ben, wether the media of a whole nation is open minded or not.
Personally I think it's almost impossible to change a nation/country's mind. :/
I'm not saying we can't try.
Yeah correct me if I'm wrong Edgar, but I get the impression that if 100 people emailed a Mexican station about a new foreign song, they'd at least check it out? Here well first you'd need like 10 times that number, and even then they still might ignore you because it's French.

Heh sorry, not trying to be a downer or discourage us from trying. Just saying it's going to be hard. There are artists who take the risk and put themselves out here, like Yelle (a French singer who recently had a US tour), for whom it's paid off... but it doesn't seem Alizée's like that.

Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
When you look at it that way, it's an incredible story really.

'French singer makes it big in Mexico'

You couldn't make it up.
Perhaps, though in a way it's a music industry cliche. I was talking about Spinal Tap during yesterday's podcast recording, and the end of that film (spoiler warning for those who haven't seen it!) sees the ailing band revived when one of their old singles suddenly (and inexplicably) hits the Japanese top 10!

Originally Posted by Jess View Post
Well, here's what I saw happened, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. During the time that we we're all introduced to Alizée, for the most part I'm referring to the old fans. When her videos we're still fresh on youtube and other video sites, as has been described by some of the Mexican fans. Her fans in Mexico did some serious promotion themselves. They requested and demanded her music be played at clubs and radio stations, all this prior to her return. They even posted on wiki that all her singles had been number ones in Mexico, I saw this in wiki for almost a year even few months before her new album came out.

Needless to say they we're so enthusiastic about it, that Alizée's team saw this as well as a lot of publicity that had been made of her during her absence. If you remember when she first came back the second video we saw of her was when she had a gathering with some of her old fans in France and they showed her looking at Mexican magazines towards the end. Like I said in another forum, her Mexican deal was no accident it was all planned.

Alizée's team saw the potential, they put it to the test and the result was very favorable. The only small problem I saw was that because Alizée was promoted with all her old performances (obviously this was all the Mexican had at the time), some where expecting to see her the same way. Something we need to keep in mind when we promote her.
That sounds about right as far as I know, Jess. Just a point to add: one group that first noticed Alizée's rising popularity in Mexico was her old record label, Universal. They put out both the "Tout Alizée" compilation and a domestic edition of "En Concert" before her return in 2007. How well those sold was probably another factor that alerted team Alizée to what was happening south of the border.
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