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Old 06-29-2009, 10:06 PM
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Chommpers Chommpers is offline
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Chommpers is on a distinguished road

Well it's true Alizée had no intention of going to Mexico and there was no promotion there at first, but because of YouTube and the internet the Mexican fans found out about her and started getting her played in clubs and on the radio and finally she got popular enough for the media to do a story on her. It was surprising to her and her label, no one expected it, almost seemed like a sort of overnight explosion, but it took a lot of work and support from the Mexican fans. With the sort of attention she had sprung their it would be silly not to give them a show.

It seems a bit harder for the US, like there is something we can't break. We are so big and the fans are very split up. Also like many said we can't just go around forcing the music on people, that don't work its counter-productive, and word of mouth isn't going to be enough to get her to do a tour here. We need her to rise in clubs and hit the radio, and get people interested in her, the only problem is will the majority of people in the US want to listen to her? I know some foreign artist have been popular in the States but not many comparing to other countries where foreign, especially American music, is played quite often. The majority of the US is a bit closed minded to foreign music I think because of the big name artist we already have, not understanding the lyrics is a problem for many people, and the majority of people in the US seem be against the French (although this could be false or changing a bit, I mostly hear dumb jokes). If she is not willing to play clubs and small shows and spend a lot of time working and spending money to grow here (which I doubt she wants to nor would I ask that of her because even that may not work) we have to pick that job up and raise awareness ourselves, not an easy feat, to get to the US I almost feel like she has to shoot off like a rocket with the new album and become a big name again, then maybe the US would be an easier target and we could break her in. I don't mean to sour anyones coffee or say it isn't possible because it very well could be but its going to take a strong dedicated force and lots of work, and I am not really sure where to begin.

Originally Posted by Jess View Post
The only small problem I saw was that because Alizée was promoted with all her old performances (obviously this was all the Mexican had at the time), some where expecting to see her the same way. Something we need to keep in mind when we promote her.
Yeah I agree, it bothered me a little but like you said it was what they had, what they knew, but I think here she needs to be promoted how she is now, with her current style and music, people need to be at the shows to hear the new music and support it, thats her, thats her music, she needs people to cheer for her stuff, not the image and music made for her. Not that, that stuff wasn't great and she will play some of it, but people don't need a false image of her, I just think it would mean a lot to her that the fans are supportive of what she is doing now. I am not in anyway implying the Mexican fan base isn't supportive of her current music, I know many are, the media seemed to pick up MCE era though.

Originally Posted by Ben View Post
There are artists who take the risk and put themselves out here, like Yelle (a French singer who recently had a US tour), for whom it's paid off... but it doesn't seem Alizée's like that.
Well I think Yelle can do the clubs and things like that, because her music is like that, electro music is not really too mainstream like pop music, she is used to playing clubs and that kind of environment. I don't know about Alizée though, she has always been known and her music fits the big theatre's and t.v. shows, although her new music has some electro influence, not sure how she would do in the club/dance scene.

^ By the beautifully creative Amelie! Merci!

Last edited by Chommpers; 06-29-2009 at 11:58 PM..
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