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Old 07-03-2009, 12:01 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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wasabi622 is on a distinguished road

im sure that to her Alizee isn't the same as what she is to most of us here.. i mean, we're all idolizing her for what we assume she'll be like according to the videos and such, but have never met her(well.. a few have i think). BUT the point is, she's met her! so to her, Alizee is.. like.. i dunno, i don't want to say less special, but definetly less mystic(?).

i mean hell, i obssess about her so much cuz i've never met her! and we all want what we can't(or is very hard) to get.

anyone understand what im saying? sorta like.. if you're single, every hot woman that walks by is 10x hotter, whereas if you're in a good relationship, other women don't really matter?


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