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Old 07-18-2009, 01:59 AM
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Future Raptor Ace Future Raptor Ace is offline
Mr. Mike
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: New York City/Buffalo NY
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Future Raptor Ace is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by puffyrock2 View Post
I LOVE women, however they don't seem to care for me too much. I consider myself quite a suave cat, but my methods of seducing women by serenading them with a beautiful song always fails terribly.
The best way to earn a girl is to stop caring and paying attention to them..................just pretend to not notice them and take an interest in other things. You say you sing, that's good........ keep singing just not to or for them but for yourself. The girl wont be able to stand this and she will desperately try to get your attention and resort to her internal instincts and spend more of her time thinking about you. Just don't over do it and be too much of a d**k to them, you have to do it just right! You have to be in control and not let them control you............... and lets face it, by you going after them as much as you are..... your letting them be in control! All women love a man in control, they may not admit it but they all do!
Just don't give up man, she will come! Maybe your time isn't now and the good lord has something great planed a little later! So dont be too desperate and rush into something, there's tons of fish in the sea. Don't make my mistake of rushing in and getting your heart ripped out by her!


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 07-18-2009 at 02:02 AM..
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